Democratic Women’s Caucus of Monroe County, Indiana Bylaws
Revised – June 2013
Article One - Name, Purpose, Organization
A. The name of the organization shall be the Democratic Women’s Political Action Committee, (commonly known as the “DWCaucus” or “Democratic Women’s Caucus”)
B. The purpose of the organization is to inspire, recruit, train, support, and fund progressive, pro-choice Democratic women to increase the numbers of women in the electoral process and in elected and appointed positions.
C. DWCaucus is a Political Action Committee (“PAC”) as defined by the laws of the State of Indiana.
Article Two - Membership
A. Voting Members: Anyone who supports the mission can pay dues and become a voting member. Voting Members are eligible to be officers.
B. Associate Members: Anyone who supports the mission of the organization can attend meetings without paying dues, but associate members cannot vote or become officers.
Article Three – Meetings and Elections
A. The DWCaucus shall hold at least three meetings of the membership in any given calendar year. Such meetings shall be announced at least a week in advance and may be announced to the membership by any common means of communication.
B. The DWCaucus shall hold an Annual Meeting each calendar year that will include the election of the next year’s officers. The Nominating Committee shall present nominees to the membership and nominations may be taken from the floor. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members who cast ballots.
C. The DWCaucus may have other meetings as desired for committees, groups, or special functions.
Article Four – Steering Committee
A. The Steering Committee consists of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer and up to ten at-large members, and the immediate past chair.
B. Steering Committee members shall serve two year terms.
C. These officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the membership of each calendar year. In 2008 all steering committee members will be elected. After that, the Chair, Secretary, and five at-large members shall be elected in even numbered years; the Vice Chair, Treasurer, and five at-large members will be elected in odd numbered years.
D. The Chair shall be responsible for the overall affairs of the DWCaucus, shall run the meetings, shall be the chair of the Steering Committee, and shall perform such other duties as are agreed upon by the Steering Committee.
E. The Vice-Chair shall be responsible for supporting the Chair, shall perform the duties of the Chair if the Chair is absent or unable to fulfill the duties, and shall perform such other duties as are agreed upon by the Steering Committee.
F. The Secretary shall notify members of meetings, shall coordinate communication among membership, shall keep files of the governing documents and historical documents of the DWCaucus, shall keep official minutes of proceedings, and shall perform such other duties as are agreed upon by the Steering Committee.
G. The Treasurer shall be responsible for tracking all income and expenses of the DWCaucus, shall comply with state and federal campaign finance and election laws, shall complete all necessary campaign finance reports, and shall perform such other duties as are agreed upon by the Steering Committee.
H. At-large steering committee members shall perform such other duties as are agreed upon by the Steering Committee.
I. If the Chair should resign or be unable to fulfill her duties, then the order of succession shall be as laid out below. 1. Vice-Chair 2. Secretary 3. Treasurer
J. If any other officer should resign or be unable to fulfill her duties, the steering committee will name an interim replacement who shall be confirmed by a majority of members present at the next regular meeting.
Article Five - Committees
A. The Steering Committee shall work to carry out the purpose and short- and long-term goals of the organization.
B. The Steering Committee may establish committees to assist in the performance of its duties as it considers appropriate.
C. Committees shall be composed of at least one Steering Committee member and DWCaucus members, with the goal of involving additional DWCaucus members and associate members.
D. The following named committees may be established as needed to advise and assist in the performance of DWCaucus activities:
1. The Endorsement Committee shall review the DWCaucus endorsement policy, coordinate and execute the endorsement process per current DWC Endorsement Policy and Procedures, and recommend candidates for endorsement.
2. The Membership Committee shall recruit, retain, and follow up with potential, new and current DWC members; serve as primary contact for new members; greet at breakfast meetings, encourage membership and foster active involvement of members.
3. The Finance and Fundraising Committee shall assist with oversight of DWC budget, including tracking expenses and monitoring cash flow; explore potential fundraising activities and assist with planning and implementing fundraising activities.
4. The Programs Committee shall create and execute programs for the breakfast meetings, other meetings as determined, and occasional events that inspire, inform and educate women in all aspects of political and legislative work.
5. The Communications Committee shall coordinate and produce digital and print communications for the DWC.
6. The Candidate Recruitment and Training Committee shall recruit and assess training needs and provide training to candidates and their campaign teams.
7. The Nominating Committee shall determine nominees for officers and the Steering Committee members at-large at least 15 days prior to the Annual Meeting. The Chair shall appoint 2 persons from the Steering Committee and 3 persons who volunteer from the general membership to the Nominating Committee.
E. The Steering Committee may also create additional committees as needed.
Article Six- Rules of Procedure
The DWCaucus shall operate by consensus. However, when a vote is taken at a regular meeting or a steering committee meeting, a simple majority of those present shall prevail.
Article Seven –Amendment of Bylaws
These Bylaws may be amended, repealed, or modified, and new Bylaws adopted, by a simple majority of the membership. Any notice of a meeting at which these Bylaws are to be amended must include notice of such proposed action.