Friday, February 5th, 7:30 AM, Village Deli, FREE PARKING UNTIL 9:00 am!!
Be sure to plan to attend the DWC Breakfast this Friday. Meet candidates, learn about the DWC endorsement process chronology, volunteer for the committee (below) and discover what fellow members think the DWC should focus on in the next 2-5 years. This will be a fast paced meeting with LOTS of information shared!
Make sure your dues are paid (see below) so that you can help make the decision about DWC endorsements for the primary! The endorsement process starts right after this meeting. Women candidates who have filed for this primary cycle will be contacted after the filing closes (at noon on Friday) as to how to apply for DWC endorsement.
The Democratic Women's Caucus is seeking volunteers to serve on the 2016 Endorsement Committee. The endorsement committee is composed of Steering Committee members and general members of the DWC. The endorsement process includes reviewing applications for endorsement and conducting interviews. It is especially labor-intensive during the few weeks of February (after the filing deadline for candidates on February 5 and before the DWC's March meeting). This is a great opportunity to participate in a meaningful way in the endorsement process. Interested in volunteering or in learning more? Contact Julie Thomas ([email protected]).
A call for volunteers from among members of the DWC will take place at the February breakfast meeting next Friday. Please be sure to attend. If you cannot attend, but are interested in being considered, please send an e-mail to Julie right away.
2016 DUES
Your DWC Dues for 2016 must be paid in order to vote on endorsements. The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Please renew your membership now! Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here.
James Obergefell: Making Supreme Court History As An Accidental Activist
February 2, noon, IUB Maurer Law School, moot court room
When Jim Obergefell’s partner of 21 years, John Arthur, was dying, all the two of them wanted was the dignity of a marriage that the State of Ohio would recognize on a death certificate. Ohio refused, and Jim, together with couples from three other states, went all the way to the Supreme Court seeking marriage equality. In Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court held in 2015 that gays and lesbians must be included in the fundamental constitutional right to marry. Sponsored by Union Board, Maurer School of Law, American Constitution Society, and IU GLBT Alumni Association. He will also speak in a campus lecture at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 3, in the IMU’s Alumni Hall.
Town Hall Meeting with Beverly Calendar-Anderson, Director of the City of Bloomington Community and Family Resources Commission
Tuesday, February 2, 5:30 pm, Banneker Community Center, 930 W. 7th Street
A short presentation from the director regarding ongoing initiatives followed by questions from citizens. This is part of an on-going series of presentations from the city administration. Watch for others.
Pieces of the Pie -- How Schools are Funded in Indiana
Thursday, February 4, 7:00 pm Monroe County Public Library Room 2B
Senator Vi Simpson is the special guest to unravel this complicated issue for the League of Women Voters.
League of Women Voters Legislative Update
Saturday, February 6, 9:30 am, City Hall Council Chambers
Area legislators report their activities in the Indiana General Assembly, and also respond to citizen questions.
MCDP Candidate Training
Saturday, February 6, 1-4 p.m. in the Monroe County Public Library
This training will cover the VAN, Compliance (Finance, Election Law), Communications, Designing a Campaign Plan, etc. If you are running this year (or any year), you will want to attend this training! Please let the MCDP know if you are interested by emailing [email protected]
Louise Melling, national ACLU Deputy Legal Director
February 9, noon, IUB Maurer Law School, moot court room
Stay tuned for details about a talk by Louise Melling, who oversees the ACLU's work on "liberty." With the Indiana legislature at this very moment considering legislation in the wake of the 2015 Indiana RFRA debacle, this is an ideal time to hear from one of the leading national experts on protecting LGBTQ rights and reproductive rights in ways consistent with protecting religious liberty. Sponsored by the Maurer chapter of The American Constitution Society, Law Students for Reproductive Justice, and OUTlaw.
Action Item this week is to GET INVOLVED!
Attend ONE local event this week! Forum, Town Hall, Informative Session, DWC Breakfast meeting, Legislative Update! There are opportunities practically EVERY DAY this week to become more involved in this election cycle, your community, your party.
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected].
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Democratic Women's Caucus