We have an urgent matter on the table. The Senate could vote today, Monday, August 3rd, on fast-track legislation to completely cut all federal funding for Planned Parenthood health centers. Our senator, Joe Donnelly, is still on the fence — which means our voices are absolutely critical to protecting funding for birth control, cancer screenings, HIV testing, and other lifesaving care that Planned Parenthood health centers provide to millions of patients around the country. Find out more information about how you can help below.
- Book Announcement
- DWC End-of-Summer Cookout & Hoedown
- Event From the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission - Power of Words
Invite a Friend to Join the DWC
Call to Action
We have an urgent matter on the table. The Senate could vote today, Monday, August 3rd, on fast-track legislation to completely cut all federal funding for Planned Parenthood health centers. Our senator, Joe Donnelly, is still on the fence — which means our voices are absolutely critical to protecting funding for birth control, cancer screenings, HIV testing, and other lifesaving care that Planned Parenthood health centers provide to millions of patients around the country.
The same politicians behind this latest effort to defund Planned Parenthood have been pushing this dangerous agenda for years. Now, with the release of misleading, discredited videos making false claims against Planned Parenthood doctors, they think they have their excuse. They think this is the moment they can get away with finally defunding the health centers that millions of women rely on every day.
There are two ways you can make your voice heard!
1. Call Senator Donnelly RIGHT NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE and tell him to say NO to this dangerous bill. Calling only takes a minute, and it will really impact the outcome of this vote. The number for Senator Donnelly’s Washington, DC office is (202) 224-4814. If you don't reach a live human being, you can leave a message.
2. Please also sign the CREDOaction petition in today's "Call to Action" below.
Book Announcement
Announcing The Accidental Mayor, an account by Jim and Tomi Allison of Tomi's thirteen years as Mayor of Bloomington, published in June, 2015. Available now at local bookstores and Amazon.com.
DWC End-of-summer Cookout & Hoedown - Sunday, August 30, 4-7 p.m.
The DWC's annual fundraiser will be August 30th from 4PM - 7PM at Susie Johnson and Dee Tuttle's house at 3974 S. Garrison Chapel Road. There will be wonderful food and drink, a cake walk, silent auction, and square dancing to the rollicking music of the band Entwyned!
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. You can purchase tickets online at http://www.democraticwomenscaucus.org/calendar. Please mark the date, get your tickets and spread the word!
We could also use a few cakes for the cake walk. Only one cake per person please! Contact Julie Thomas at [email protected] if you want to show off your baking skills!
Event From the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission - Power of Words
Power of Words is a bi-annual event presented by The Friends of the Library and Monroe County Public Library. This year, civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis, as well as his co-creators of the graphic novels, March: Book One and March: Book Two (co-writer Andrew Aydin, and local artist Nate Powell), will be the featured speakers discussing their books, which are engaging and award-winning first-hand accounts of Lewis's lifelong struggle for civil and human rights. The Power of Words is a free event and takes place Monday, September 21, at 7:30 p.m. in the Indiana University Auditorium.
Events leading up to the Power of Words event include a civil rights film series on Sundays (August 23rd and 30th and September 6th and 13th). The first two movies to be screened at the Monroe County Public Library are In the Heat of the Night (August 23) and Mississippi Burning (August 30).
For more information, see http://mcpl.info/powerofwords.
Ask a friend, co-worker or colleague who is interested in learning more about making a positive impact on the presence of women in office to accompany you to our monthly breakfast or to one of the local political events.
The DWC is open to progressives regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Join any time. Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here.
From CREDOaction.com
On Monday, the Senate is scheduled to vote on defunding Planned Parenthood. A little more than two weeks ago, a group of extreme anti-abortion activists released the first in a series of secretly obtained videos designed to discredit Planned Parenthood. The videos themselves have all been widely discredited, but that has not stopped Republican politicians from using them as an excuse to defund Planned Parenthood.
Republicans Senators are clearly willing to throw women and their families under the bus in order to score points with their extremist base. They need to be reminded that they and their party will have to answer to the hundreds of thousands of people who stand with Planned Parenthood if they choose politics over women’s health.
The extremist anti-abortion group behind last week’s video released a fourth video on Thursday, and have promised that there are more to come. They’re using a tactic well-known in the right-wing playbook — using selectively edited, secretly obtained video to discredit vital progressive institutions and provide political cover for Republicans in Congress to destroy them. They have been after Planned Parenthood for years, but each time they’ve attacked, activists have pushed back, and won. Planned Parenthood is fighting back on every front.
More than 211,000 people have already signed on to this petition. We’re going to deliver the petition signatures to every Republican Senator on Monday before the vote, so please sign our emergency petition today to stand with Planned Parenthood. Tell Senate Republicans that voting to defund Planned Parenthood is an unacceptable attack on women’s health. Click the link below to sign:
Add your name:
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected].
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Democratic Women's Caucus