Help Needed - Election Day, Communications Committee
Let's Help Our Endorsed Candidates
Upcoming Events
ROCK LOTTO - Fundraiser for Sophia Travis Memorial Fund
Legislative News
You can join the DWC at any time
Cartoon of the Week
Call to Action
If you're able to help our endorsed candidates for a couple of hours on Election Day they'd be so appreciative! The DWC is organizing two-hour shifts at polls on Election Day, handing out a quarter page sheet from us to voters about our endorsed candidates. It's easy, it's helpful to voters AND the candidates! Please contact Jillian Kenzie at [email protected] who will coordinate the volunteers.
Do you tweet? Do use Instagram? How about Facebook? Are you able and willing to help out the Communications Committee? We're looking for members to help us update the website and social media, and to help put out the Monday Morning News.
Please contact Amy Swain at [email protected] if you're interested.
Allison is seeking help on Election Day. Please reply to [email protected] to volunteer.
Isabel needs door to door, and also letters to the editor.
Please email [email protected] to help canvass.
Let Isabel know if you are able to write a letter for her!
To submit a letter:
Philippa needs "Get out the Vote" phone callers, and door to door. Email [email protected]
Know anyone living in District 2 who would like to host a yard sign? Please call Dorothy at 734-726-4384.
City Council and City Clerk Candidates Speak
Tuesday, April 21, 11:45 a.m. at American Legion
The Monroe County Democrats' Club will meet on Tuesday, April 21, at 11:45 a.m. at the American Legion, 1800 W. Third St., Bloomington. The speakers will include candidates for the Bloomington City Council and City Clerk. The public is invited to attend. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you want to have a lunch!
"Minimum Wage, Maximum Wage: New Paths to a More Equal America"
Friday, May 1, 7:00 p.m. at IU School of Education Auditorium
Democracy for Monroe County is excited to bring Sam Pizzigati to speak in Bloomington. Pizzigati is currently an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, a progressive think tank in Washington, D.C., and is editor of Too Much, an online magazine in excess and inequality. His writings on income equality have been published in major newspapers, magazines and journals.
Fundraiser for Feminist Candidates
Thursday, May 21, 5:30 p.m., The Fringe, 719 E. St. Claire St., Indianapolis
Please join (National Organization for Women) NOW of Indiana PAC in a fundraiser to "Say no to discrimination, say no to Mike Pence." Cost is $5 at the door; includes wine and appetizers. NOW doesn't discriminate, so if you can't cover the cost, attend anyway. All are welcome. Anti-Pence buttons will be included. Speakers include State Senator Karen Tallian and Representative Sue Errington, among others.
To RSVP, go to #saynotomikepence
Fundraiser for Sophia Travis Memorial Fund
Our friend Sophia was a musician and an active community member. She served one term on the Monroe County Council from 2005-2009, one year as president. She died in 2012 from a previously undiagnosed heart condition while she was running for another term. She was only 46.
Sophia loved Monroe County and the people here. She was a force for positive change in our community. She was on the board of Options for Better Living, raised funds for Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, and served as treasurer of "Your ARE Here." She was also the president of the IU Asian Pacific American Alumni Association, and was founder and served as chair for the Monroe County Women's Commission. She "envisioned and worked towards a sustainable community that embraced all of its citizens."
Inspired by Sophia, her friends have taken on the design and construction of a public space to be used by all. Some funds have been raised, and there's lots more to do to make this incredible limestone public seating area available downtown. This fundraiser is in keeping with Sophia's Rock Music roots! In fact her very first fundraiser when he ran for the county council was a rock fundraiser in Bear's back room! If you can help by donating some baked goods for the May 8 night of Rock Lotto it would be so appreciated! Please contact Amanda Barge at [email protected]
ROCK LOTTO at The Bishop, Fourth & Walnut
Friday, May 8, 8:00 p.m. and May 24, 8:00 p.m.
May 8 - Kenny Childers will perform some of Sophia Travis's songs. Brad Wilhelm will MC the event.
Cost is $7.
The ROCK LOTTO is part fundraiser, part group effort. It works like this: Musicians will place their name in a hat. The names will be chosen randomly in groups to form 'new' bands. Each band then has two weeks to practice and prepare music to perform at the second part of the event -- on May 24 at The Bishop.
All musicians are invited, professional and amateur and anyone who wants to play music.
May 24 - We'll get to see what the bands have created with their diverse talents! ROCK LOTTO where bands perform. It's fun. It's entertaining. It's the most unusual fundraiser yet! Proceeds go to the Sophia Travis Memorial Fund to fund benches to be placed on the courthouse square to honor Sophia's civic legacy. Cost for the second night is $12.
Common Construction Wage law
Indiana's Common Construction Wage law (CCW), originally established in 1935 through a Republican initiative, is the wage paid to construction workers on publicly financed projects costing more than $350,000. It allows communities to determine wages to be paid on local projects. The repeal of this legislation recently passed the House and Senate. It is expected to be signed by Governor Pence.
“The CCW is a vital part of our economy and helps countless families,” said MCDP Chair Mark Fraley, “repealing this law would encourage the employment of low-paying out-of-state contractors, which would make it more difficult for hard working Hoosiers to earn a living wage.”
Dues monies help us fund our endorsed candidates, and allow the DWC to hold trainings, seminars, special events to encourage and hopefully inspire women to become involved in the political process. Other funds come from our fundraisers and small donations which add up.
Many thanks to those who attended, supported and participated in our Karaoke Fundraiser. We reached our goal by raising just over $1000, and a good time was had by all! We're working on a fundraiser this August, so stay tuned for details.
The DWC is open to progressives regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Join any time. Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here.
Call to Action
From CREDO Action
Tell Congress: Support GMO Labeling Now
Ninety-three percent of Americans support labeling genetically modified foods,1 yet Monsanto’s allies in Congress have successfully fought off attempts to pass any meaningful legislation to label GMOs.
That all could change if a recently-introduced bill to mandate labeling of GMOs gets enough support in Congress. Commonsense legislation introduced by Rep. Peter Defazio and Sen. Barbara Boxer would require the Food and Drug Administration to clearly label GMO foods so that consumers can make informed choices about what they’re feeding their families.
Sign the petition here: Tell Congress to support mandatory GMO labeling now.