"The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, "It's a girl.'” -Shirley Chisholm
Hillary Clinton has been criticized repeatedly over the years for aspects of her appearance -- her hair styles and pantsuits, for example. Recently a male interviewer commented, “I’ve never interviewed a Presidential candidate with nail polish before.” Have you ever heard an interviewer comment on a male candidate’s clothing or grooming? And this stuff is not limited to the national stage. Maybe you’ve heard about the male congressional candidate who introduced himself to the Monroe County Central Committee meeting by saying, “I don’t look as good in heels as Shelli Yoder.”
Well, people, it’s abundantly clear we’re not over the hump yet, and it’s not just about appearance. This just in from Austin, Texas, which seated its new city council in January. For the first time, the council has a female majority--seven of ten members. This exciting development convinced the Austin city manager's office that staff members who regularly interact with the council needed special training to deal with the change, so they hired a male former city manager from a town in Florida to conduct a two-hour training entitled “Women Leading in Local Government.”
Women don’t read the research they’re given, they just ask more questions, contended Jonathan K. Allen, the trainer. It seems he bases this on all the questions his daughter peppers him with, and concludes we all just have to respond patiently--as you do with an 11-year old. Allen also said women don’t want numbers and financial information. They just want to know how things impact the community. Wow. So assessing community impact is a bad thing. Who knew?
The assistant city manager who arranged the training was suspended.
Read the Austin Statesman article at
It includes video of some of the actual training. See for yourself.
For more statements on this issue see:
It’s beyond time to stop stereotyping women and their leadership styles. And it’s time to live in a world where this type of news is no longer news.
Boards and Commissions Openings
Emerging Leaders Project
Summer Volunteers for Planned Parenthood
Girls Inc. Board of Directors Opening
Calendar -
City-County Residents Meeting
Webinar: Running From Office
Hillary for Indiana Grassroots Organizing Meeting
Bernie Sanders for President Organizing Meeting
Monroe County Democrats' Club Meeting
Rock Lotto
Invite a Friend to Join the DWC
Cartoon of the Week
Call to Action
Regina Moore, Bloomington City Clerk has announced that applications for current vacancies for the following Boards and Commissions are now being accepted:
- Bloomington Arts Commission
- Board of Housing Quality Appeals
- Commission on the Status of Black Males
- Commission on the Status of Children and Youth
- Environmental Commission
- Housing Quality Appeals Board
- Housing Trust Fund Board of Directors -- Requires representation from one of 4 areas—banking, low income, not for profit housing, social services
- Traffic Commission
- Urban Enterprise Association 1 zone resident, 1 zone business
Application review will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. City Boards and Commissions are citizen-staffed and operated, and serve to advise the Common Council and the Administration on issues affecting Bloomington. For the most part they are open to residents of the city.
A complete list and description of Boards and Commissions as well as application materials may be found at Information and applications also are available at the City Clerk’s Office in Showers City Hall at 401 N. Morton, and at 812-349-3408.
The Emerging Leaders Project is a free, year-long leadership development program designed to help build the Indiana Democratic Party’s bench of up-and-coming Democrats. Those selected to participate attend four conferences in Indianapolis throughout the year that focus on various aspects of campaign management, public policy and party building. Emerging Leaders also participate in conference calls with high-profile Democrats, are connected to a professional mentor in their home community and are invited to attend state and local party events. Men and women between the ages of 21-40 are eligible to apply and if selected must commit to attending all four conferences on the dates set forth below.
Friday August 14, 2015 (10am-5pm Eastern)
Friday, November 13, 2015 (10am-5pm Eastern)
Friday, February 12, 2016 (10am-5pm Eastern)
Friday, May 13, 2016 (10am-5pm Eastern)
Deadline for applications for the 2015-2016 is June 15, 2015, and applicants will be notified by mid-July regarding their selection. It is a highly competitive program and applicants not selected are encouraged to re-apply in the future. Applicants may apply online by clicking here: or by printing the online application form and mailing it to by June 15, 2015:
Indiana Emerging Leaders Project
c/o: Indiana Democratic Party
115 West Washington St, Suite 1165
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Because the majority of our undergraduates are gone for the summer, Planned Parenthood of Indiana & Kentucky’s (PPINK) needs patient escorts at their Bloomington clinic. Two shifts are available on Thursday mornings: 8:15-9:45 am or 9:45–11:15 am. Every other week or even once a month will help. This is a summer commitment, though they'd welcome volunteers to continue if interested and able.
Patient Escorts provide patients with judgment-free and safe access to the clinic’s services. Escorts walk patients from their cars into the clinic. Their role is to distract patients from protestors and lend support simply by being there. Protestors are non-aggressive and primarily interested in sidewalk counseling. A security officer is on site outside of the clinic.
For additional information or to apply, please contact:
Deborah Meader [email protected]
812-345-0930 - please leave a message
Apply to be on Girls Inc. of Monroe County Board: If you are committed to helping girls become strong, smart and bold, consider applying for a position on the board of Girls Inc. of Monroe County. Board membership is a great way to lead in our community and serve an important youth organization. Questions can be directed to Jillian Kinzie,[email protected]. Application to get involved is available here
Monroe County Council President Cheryl Munson has put out the call for people interested in environmental and sustainability issues. The county council is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the county’s Environmental Quality and Sustainability Commission. The commission serves in an advisory role and focuses on educating the community and engaging residents and businesses in initiatives that will help ensure a bright and viable future for the county. It meets at 5:30 p.m. on the second Wednesdayof each month. Applications are available online through the Monroe County website,, and should be returned to the county council’s office via email or at the courthouse.
City-County Residents Meeting
City Councilor Dorothy Granger and County Commissioner Julie Thomas invite you to attend a City-County residents' meeting on Wednesday, May 27th at 11:30 am at Rachael's Cafe (300 E. 3rd Street). The program will focus on City and County Plan Commissions. City Councilor Chris Sturbaum (Bloomington Plan Commission) and John Irvine (County Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals) will present information on the types of petitions and the process each Plan Commission follows and will explore how the Commissions differ. Your questions and comments are welcome.
Webinar--Running From Office: Why Young Americans Are Turned Off To Politics
On Wednesday, May 27, at 3 PM Eastern, join us for a webinar with Jennifer Lawless, PhD, Professor of Government and Director of the Women & Politics Institute at American University and Richard Fox, PhD, Professor of Political Science at Loyola Marymount University for a conversation about how we can inspire the next generation— especially young women— to run for office.
Through an original, national survey of more than 4,000 high school and college students, as well as more than 100 in-depth interviews, Jennifer L. Lawless and Richard L. Fox find that young Americans feel completely alienated from contemporary politics and express little ambition or aspiration to run for office in the future. Running From Office paints a profile of the next generation that should sound alarm bells- what will happen when this generation is expected to take the reins of political power? RSVP at the link below.
Moderated by Marla Turner, President of Emerge Nevada
Hillary for Indiana Grassroots Organizing Meeting
There is a grassroots organizing meeting to kickoff support for Hillary's campaign in Indiana on Saturday, May 16th at 1:00 PM at the IBEW Local #481 in Indianapolis. RSVP at:
Bernie Sanders for President Organizing Meeting
On May 20, 7-9 pm, there will be a meeting of local supporters of Bernie Sanders for President 2016. It will take place at the Monroe County Public Library, room 1C. All those interested in helping with Sanders' campaign are welcome!
Monroe County Democrats' Club Meeting
The Monroe County Democrats' Club will meet on Tuesday, May 19, at 11:45 a.m. at the American Legion, 1800 W. Third St., Bloomington. State Representative Matt Pierce will give the Club his "legislative update" concerning the recent Indiana assembly session. The public is invited to attend.
Fundraiser for Feminist Candidates
On Thursday, May 21, 5:30 p.m. at The Fringe, 719 E. St. Claire St., Indianapolis, please join the National Organization for Women's "NOW of Indiana PAC" in a fundraiser to "Say no to discrimination, say no to Mike Pence." Cost is $5 at the door and includes wine and appetizers. NOW doesn't discriminate, so if you can't cover the cost, attend anyway. All are welcome. Anti-Pence buttons will be provided. Speakers include State Senator Karen Tallian and Representative Sue Errington, among others.
Fundraiser for Courthouse Community Gathering Place inspired by Sophia Travis
The first night of the Rock Lotto fundraiser took place on May 8th at The Bishop at Fourth and Walnut. Kenny Childers performed some of Sophia Travis's songs, David Britton performed a stand up comedy set and Brad Wilhelm was the SuperMC. Musicians and vocalists at the event placed their names in a hat. Names were then chosen randomly in groups to form 'new' bands. Each band is now taking the next two weeks to practice and prepare music for the second part of the event. On May 24th at The Bishop, these new bands will perform. We'll get to see what the bands have created with their diverse talents! It's fun! It's entertaining! It's the most unusual fundraiser yet! Proceeds go to the Sophia Travis Memorial Fund to fund benches to be placed on the courthouse square inspired by Sophia's civic service. Cost for this second night is $12.
Ask a friend, co-worker or colleague who is interested in learning more about making a positive impact on the presence of women in office to accompany you to our monthly breakfast or to one of the local political events.
The DWC is open to progressives regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Join any time. Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here.
The U.S. Senate is going to vote on legislation that could help significantly reduce sexual assault and intimate partner violence across America. Women ages 16-24 are the most likely to experience sexual violence, and it's a huge problem especially on college campuses, where one in five experiences sexual assault. In recent months, two state-wide education systems have passed mandatory affirmative consent rules for college campuses, and private colleges across the country are incorporating education about preventing sexual violence into student programming.
But students shouldn't have to wait until college to learn about consent--information about consent and healthy, respectful intimate relationships should be included with the crucial information about STIs and pregnancy that teens are already learning in high school. The Teach Safe Relationships Act will insure that age-appropriate, comprehensive information is presented to students in their high school health classes.
SIGN THE PETITION AT THE LINK BELOW. AND TELL OUR SENATORS to co-sponsor the teach safe relationships act and incorporate information about consent, sexual assault, and violence prevention in the national high school sex ed curriculum.
Do you have news items?
Send your items of interest to us at [email protected].
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.