Congratulations are extended to those who were elected at the breakfast on Friday.
Carolyn VandeWiele was elected Chair for the next two years. We're proud of the fact that Carolyn is the first LGBTQ+ member to serve as Chair of this organization, certainly a milestone to be noted!
Karen Wrenbeck was re-elected Secretary after the shortest campaign speech ever as she was unopposed.
Steering Committee members elected were Amanda Barge, Penny Githens, Philippa Guthrie, Olivia Reed and Emily Salzmann.
Jillian Kinzie, Steering Committee member, reported on the progress of the Endorsement Policy review and revision. She noted that the committee was still taking comments and if you'd like to have your thoughts included, please answer these questions in an email to the [email protected].
BIG QUESTIONS!: Should DWC PAC continue to endorse?
If so, what should we improve?
If not, should we redirect efforts to training, or create a new way to support candidates?
_____Yes, with some improvements
_____Yes, with major changes
_____No, it's not effective
_____No, we should try something new
_____I don't know, but I'm intrigued
1. Reflect on why we endorse. Why have we endorsed candidates in the past? To what purpose? Does that purpose continue to have relevance today? If so, how do you think our endorsement process should change to reflect the current situation?
2. If we decide to continue to offer endorsements, on what basis/criteria should we do so?
3. How, or on what basis should we distribute funding to candidates?
Finally, Regina Moore noted that Nancy Pelosi was (for the SECOND TIME!) elected Speaker of the House of Representatives the day before. She told the group that Pelosi spoke at a Monroe County party dinner in the late 90s and for a second time in 2003, after she became the House Minority Leader. At that dinner Pelosi, who came to Bloomington at the invitation of her former congressional colleague and party chair, Frank McCloskey, talked about her new role and her personal "Aha!" moment.
Regina said that this point in women's history had been marked with a portion of the WomenSpeak Reader's Theater, written and produced by Susan Sandberg, performed by various DWC members, in the mid 2000's. Regina was proud to read the words of Nancy Pelosi.
You can read the passage here:
If you missed the Town Hall with Pelosi and Joy Reid, here's a clip! It was the most relaxing, hopeful hour of political talk in several years.
Pelosi Town Hall with Joy Reed Clip
And, while our local women did not prevail in their races, the Indiana House Democrats has tweeted:
We are excited to start session with a caucus that is more than 50% female!
This is the first time in the history of #Indiana that women have made up the majority of a state caucus.
#INlegis #HERstory
Making History Right Here in Monroe County
For the first time in Indiana's 200 year history, a county Board of Commissioners is comprised of three women!
We plan to celebrate this moment as Lee Jones takes her seat at the dais next to Commissioners Amanda Barge and Julie Thomas. Won't you join us if you can for this momentous occasion on Wednesday, January 9th at 10:00 am in the Nat U Hill Room, Courthouse.
Action Items
January is the time for renewal, and your DWC membership is included in that!
The benefits of membership are numerous, but voting rights are extended to paid members.
Join online here:
Consider your involvement in the DWC. Are you good at planning events? Do you have ideas for a good program for a lunch or breakfast or cocktail hour meeting? Can you manage social media? A website?
Committees on membership, fundraising, programs, communications, endorsement, recruitment and training, and nominating are open for members as well as steering committee members. It's all of us working together in support of candidates and women AFTER they are elected that make this organization strong. Please consider joining one of them!
Send a note to [email protected]
Declaration of Candidacy for the 2019 Municipal or Town Elections:
The first day that an individual may file a declaration of candidacy for nomination in the 2019 municipal primary is Wednesday, January 9. The final day to declare as a candidate will be on Friday, February 8 at noon. Forms are available in the Voter Registration Office on 7th and Madison, where one would file for this election.
Carpooling to Indy on Dec. 12: If you are planning to attend the IN Democratic Party’s Municipal Candidate Training on Jan. 12 at IVY Tech and would like to carpool up to Indianapolis - please contact Penny Githens at [email protected].
Saturday, January 12, 2019, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
IN Dems Municipal Candidate Training
Ivy Tech Conference Center, 2820 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208
This session is currently completely booked.
Saturday, January 12, 2019, 9:30 - 11:30 am
League of Women Voters Legislative Update
Council Chambers, City Hall, 401 N. Morton St.
Your chance to see what the Indiana House and Senate are going to focus on in 2019.
Sunday, January 13, 2019, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Democratic Party Caucus for County Council and MCDP Chair
Monroe County Courthouse, Nat U. Hill Room
With Lee Jones’ victory in the County Commissioner race there will be a caucus to fill her position on the Monroe County Council. In addition, Mark Fraley has announced that he will be stepping down as Party Chair. On January 13, 2019, at 1:00 pm there will be a Party Caucus to select replacements for these two positions. If you have any interest in these positions or would like more information, please contact Mark Fraley at [email protected]. The deadline to put your name in for consideration is January 10 at 1:00 pm.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 10:00am - 3:00pm
League Day at the Indiana Statehouse
Indiana State Library, 315 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis
Before you go, set up appointments with your Indiana representatives at the Statehouse and advocate for issues that affect your League and your community. Redistricting reform is the top priority but they encourage you to bring to them all your concerns including women's health, education, natural recourses and gun safety. LWVIN State Advocates will be on hand at the Indiana State Library to give you support and answer any questions you may have. More details to follow.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
NOW Justice Committee Meeting: Racial, Reproductive & LGBTQ Committees
Hooker Conference Room, City Hall
Saturday, January 19, 2019, 10:00 am
Advocacy IN Action
Hosted by Indianapolis All-Options and Planned Parenthood, Advocacy IN Action is the OFFICIAL, FREE pre-Women’s March Institute.
After Advocacy IN Action, we'll join the 3rd Annual Indiana Women's March!
Facebook Event and Sign Up Form:
Saturday, January 19, 2019, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Women's March Anniversary Event
American Legion Mall, Indianapolis
From the Women's March: Women brought our PowerToThePolls this November and elected a record number of women and the most diverse Congress in our nation's history. But we know there is more to be done—especially here in Indiana. Facebook page:
BECOME A DWC MEMBER or RENEW your membership!
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership.
Join online here:
THEN ~~~
Consider your involvement in the DWC.
If you were thinking about running for the Steering Committee and didn't, consider taking another role in the DWC.
Are you good at planning events? Do you have ideas for a good program for a lunch or breakfast or cocktail hour meeting? Can you manage social media? A website?
Committees on membership, fundraising, programs, communications, endorsement, recruitment and training, and nominating are open for members as well as the steering committee members. It's all of us working together in support of candidates and women AFTER they are elected that make this organization strong.
Please consider joining one of the committees!
Send a note to [email protected]
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus