Our 2019 Endorsed Candidates Need Your Help
Jean Capler - City Council At-Large
Website: https://www.jeanforbloomington.com/
Facebook: Jean Capler For Bloomington
Additional Link: Big Talk With Michael Glab 03/14/19
How You Can Help:
We will be doing 3 Saturdays of major canvassing and need lots of volunteers.
Dates are April 20, April 27, and May 4, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Meet at Democratic headquarters. Training will be provided.
Kate Rosenbarger - City Council, District 1
Website: kateforbloomington.org
Facebook: kateforbloomington
Additional Link: Big Talk With Michael Glab 02/21/19
How You Can Help:
Members! Get your paddles ready and raise them high when a volunteer opportunity catches your eye! I appreciate any and all help you are willing to give! These are in order of largest to smallest commitment. One thing to keep in mind: For many of these, you'll be able to hangout with and pet POTUS!
My cell is 812-219-4074, and my email is [email protected]. Get in touch and I'll help you get started!
1. Neighborhood coordinators. I am looking for folks who live in a neighborhood (or area) in D1 and can help coordinate and facilitate me meeting your neighbors/friends/family and getting out yard signs. This can be you knocking on doors of your neighbors with me, simply you telling neighbors you support me and that I'll be knocking on their door soon. In a nutshell, neighbors talking to neighbors is a great way to introduce me as a candidate and foster good conversations and connections.
2. Letters to the Editor. If you're up for writing a letter to talk about why you support me, why I'd be good for Bloomington/good on council, and what I'll bring to council. I can get you talking points.
3. Canvass. We have big goals for door knocking the district. My team can train you and get a packet to you whenever you can go out. We go out weekday evenings (5-8p) and weekends (11-5).
4. Farmers Market. Volunteers needed to hangout near the Dems booth and talk to voters. This is tough, since we never know if a market goer lives in the district! But finding voters here is a good place for me.
5. Postcards to D1 Friends. If you have friends in D1, let them know you support me and ask for their vote! We can get you the postcards and stamps!
6. Find 2 New Kate Voters. No matter where you live, can you find 2 voters in D1 who will support me? Let me know their names (because I track voters), and I'll add them to my supporters list.
7. Facebook. Like, comment on, and share my posts. It helps more people see them. Invite your friends to like Kate for Bloomington.
8. Join My Email List. Get on my email list (we don't send many emails), and forward our emails to your friends to help build momentum and spread the word. Email James Bassett to get on the list [email protected].
9. Dogs of District 1. Know any big sweeties who live in District 1? I'd love to feature them on my Facebook! Send any photos with a bit about the dog my way. I'm using dogs to talk about issues important to voters.
10. Meet and Greet! Invite anyone to meet me on Friday, April 12 from 5:30-7:00 at Gracia Valliant's home, 926 W. 4th
Dorothy Granger - City Council, District 2
Facebook: Granger for City Council
How You Can Help:
I could use some help walking the next couple of weekends...
Saturday the 13th, after noon
Saturday the 20th, after noon
Sunday the 21st, after noon
If interested, please call Penny Githens at 812.369.9538 or Amy Harrison at 812.318.1524
Sue Sgambelluri - City Council, District 2
Website: SueForCityCouncil.com
Facebook: Sue Sgambelluri for City Council
Additional Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suesgambelluri
Additional Link: Big Talk with Michael 03/28/19
How You Can Help:
• Canvassing! - We've tackled Ridgefield, Sugarberry, Northwood Estates and other areas so far. Come help us with Blue Ridge, Matlock Heights, and Fritz Terrace in the next few weeks!
• Mailings - Campaign Mailer #2 will be going out during the second half of April. If you prefer a behind-the-scenes role, please come help with labeling our mail pieces.
• Research - Help find answers for constituent questions that we encounter while canvassing and draft responses.
Please reach out to Sue at (812) 345-3215 or [email protected] for more info!
Miah Michaelsen - City Council, District 4
Website: Miah For Bloomington
Facebook: Miah For Bloomington
Additional Link: Big Talk With Michael Glab 02/28/19
How You Can Help:
1) Canvassing Assistance
Miah’s looking for folks who’d like to help canvass on the following dates:
April 13: Anytime between noon and 6 p.m.
April 14: Anytime between 1 and 4 p.m.
April 20: Anytime between noon and 6 p.m.
April 27: Anytime between noon and 6 p.m.
April 28: Anytime between 1 and 4 p.m.
May 4: Anytime between noon and 6 p.m.
May 5: Anytime between 1 and 5 p.m.
May 7: Staff polling locations during voting hours
Got an hour or two to give? Email me at [email protected]. We’ll meet at campaign central (my house, 2605 E. Seminary Drive) for a brief orientation, some snacks and off we go.
2) Your good word - Word of mouth is a powerful communication tool. If you’re able to - please recommend me to your friends in District 4 - or send me an email of where they are, and I’ll go knock on their door!
3) Yard sign locations - It’s the Great Battle of the Yard Signs here in District 4. Got a friend who might lend a yard for a sign? If so, please let me know, and I’ll follow up.
Email me at [email protected] with any other ideas, good vibes, or moral support you can offer.
Isabel Piedmont-Smith - City Council, District 5
Website: Isabel Piedmont-Smith - Candidate For Bloomington City Council
Facebook: Piedmont-Smith for City Council
How You Can Help:
Isabel needs volunteers to:
• help with door-to-door canvassing
• write Letters to the Editor in support of her campaign
Canvassing seems intimidating at first, but you would go out WITH Isabel, and she would do most of the talking. Your job would just be to carry the walk lists and take notes.
As to Letters to the Editor, this great method of free advertising is a way to focus public attention on the many reasons to re-elect Isabel to the city council.
If you can help with either effort, please contact volunteer coordinator Linda Grove-Paul at [email protected]. Thank you!
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Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee Democratic Women's Caucus