So.... I was at the checkout at Kroger this week. At the place where you can rest your purse and swipe your credit card there was a little rack that was big enough to hold two types of Hershey's chocolate bars. This was a new addition, and curious, I asked the cashier, "So do you sell more of those Hershey bars now?" She didn't hesitate in saying "Absolutely! More than EVER!"
That's the Point of Sale... and a prime place in sales for those last minute purchases. To aid voters in making last minute choices at the polls, we have adopted it for our Election Day activity with candidates. Having that reminder at the last minute before the voter goes into the poll couldn't hurt?!
Couldn't you please help out for a two hour shift at one poll on Tuesday? We'll have small flyers (no Hershey bars, tho) that will include our endorsed and supported candidates. Full instructions and tips will be given with your packet of flyers. Plus you'll have the eternal gratitude from our candidates.
We will focus on the 7-9 am, 11 am- 1pm and 4-6 pm time slots, although other times are available.
Contact Julie at [email protected] as soon as possible so that we can plan the coverage of the busiest precincts.
Thank you for helping our endorsed and supported candidates!
EARLY VOTING Taking place now in TWO places:
Election Central at 401 W 7th St., Suite 100:
North Showers Building, 501 N. Morton Street -- 201-202, :
Sunday May 1, noon-6 p.m. (Seriously, SUNDAY!)
Monday, May 2, 8 a.m.-NOON
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Democratic Women's Caucus
Special Call to ACTION! 5-1-16
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