Monday Morning News May 30, 2016

In the tradition of remembrance for those who lost their lives while serving in the US Armed Forces, we offer you this poppy.

BREAKFAST THIS FRIDAY! June 3, 7:30 am, Village Deli
     The Indiana Statehouse still has only about 20% women discussing issues and legislating on our behalf. We MUST work to change that, and not just for gender equity. Don't you believe that we would not have HB1337 (the abortion bill) if there were more women, Democratic women in particular, working for families in Indiana? Do you believe RFRA would have passed with a few more women participating in the discussions?
     On Friday we hope to introduce you to a few women running for these legislative positions, mainly from outside of our county. We hope you'll come, listen to how they can change the scene in Indy, and write them a check.  You don't have to write huge checks, it's the collective activity that is so important. This act of bundling checks has served to encourage and support women who in turn work for us, all of us.
     Frankly, we are lucky to have Matt Pierce and Mark Stoops, two feminists, to represent Monroe County in the Statehouse. Let's help them out by sending them some wonderful women colleagues!  Let's help end the cycle of conservative, radically right men imposing ridiculous laws on women regarding what we do with our bodies and our lives.

     Our friend Araceli Gomez-Aldana wants to go to the Republican (yes, you heard right!) National Convention. We'd like to help her get there to ask questions about immigration, reproductive rights, and other issues that impact the Latino community. She's entered the Voto Latino "Crash The Parties" contest to win an all access press pass to the convention. People vote to pick the top ten applicants, who are then interviewed by a panel of celebrity judges to pick the overall winners.
     Araceli is the Latino Programs and Outreach for the Community and Family Resources Department at the City of Bloomington, produces Hola Bloomington on WFHB, and has frequently attended DWC breakfasts and programs.
     How cool would it be to have someone from Bloomington at the convention, reporting, facebooking, and tweeting what's really going on!
Vote at:  Voting ends 5-31-16

"Improving the Child Nutrition and Education Act of 2016"
     Perhaps you read Todd Rokita's guest column in the HT yesterday, Sunday, May 29th. His reasoning reflects shortsightedness, and is the epitome of balancing the budget on the backs of poor children. Please call him and tell him that perhaps another program might be a better choice... we're sure you have good suggestions!
     Todd Rokita, IN04, presented a bill to the House Committee on Education and Workforce that would change the way school eligibility for free lunches is figured.  
     It's a well-known fact that children learn when their tummies are not growling and when they have good nutrition at school.  The best article on this issue can be found at the Huffington Post Political Page:

     Also For Sheila Kennedy's take on the issue from a Hoosier perspective read:


Emerging Leaders Applications Now Being Accepted until June 15th
     The Emerging Leaders Project is a free, year-long program designed to engage up-and-coming Democrats from across the state who have the potential and interest in being party leaders and elected officials. Over the course of the year, the 40 men and women (under age 40) who are selected to participate, will attend in-person training sessions in Indianapolis focusing on various aspects of campaign management, public policy and party building. Along with the knowledge gained from the training, class members will connect with Democrats from all corners of Indiana. Developed and operated by volunteers, the program is supported by a generous donation from former State Party Chair Robin Winston and former State Party Executive Director Pat Terrell.
NOTE: Several women from Monroe County have graduated from this program and have run for office.
Please click here for more information on the Emerging Leaders Project and to submit an application before the June 15th deadline.EVENTS

Linda Henderson and Glenda Ritz - June 9th, 4:30 - 6 pm. Fountain Square Ballroom, 101 W. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington
Fundraiser for Linda Henderson with Special Guest Speaker Superintendent of Public Instruction, Glenda Ritz.
Linda is running for State Senate District 44, Glenda Ritz will be nominated at the State Convention to run again for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Drop by to meet these two great public servants!

Friday June 3: Deadline to file for National Convention Delegate -- The Indiana Delegation will be balanced with an equal number of women and men attending. There are other opportunities to attend the event (and related talks, work sessions, receptions) other than being a delegate. All the information you need is at the link below.

Meet & Greet the National Delegate Candidates -- June 11th, 2 - 4 pm - The Pine Room-Muddy Boots, 51 E. Chestnut St., Nashville, IN
     On June 18th, state convention delegates will be voting for folks to represent Indiana at the National Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, PA. This is your opportunity to meet those who are running from the 9th Congressional District, talk to them and decide who would be the best ones to send.  State Convention Delegates will choose either Sanders or Clinton delegate ballots and make their choices from those who have filed.

1- Vote for Araceli to Crash the Party!

2- Read the HT column by Rep. Rokita.
Write to him. (USPS)
Call him.
Llet him know that it's not a good idea to change eligibility requirements for free school lunches. There's no doubt kids' learning will be affected by this unnecessary Act. Kids WILL be well represented by YOUR action.

Contact info:  Email won't work because most Members of Congress accept emails only from their own constituents to prevent overloading their servers.  We can only imagine!

Phone -- 202-225-5037

The Honorable
Todd Rokita
US House of Representatives
1717 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.

Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus