Monday Morning News - June 11, 2018

Now's the Time to Increase your Campaign Knowledge

Some of the best things in life are free. As we sign up to assist our candidates in the fall election, take an afternoon to do a little free self-training by reviewing the Indiana Election Division website at

Anything you do to increase your knowledge of the election laws that apply to Indiana political candidates will be of enormous value to our candidates. They are incredibly busy strategizing, raising money, and knocking on doors, so they really need us to help them navigate the nuts and bolts of running a clean and legal campaign. So bone up now, before things get really crazy, and do it on your own schedule. You do not have to be a lawyer; you just have to be able to read!


Candidate Info ** New Section!
Action Items

Look to this section each week to find current information about DWC candidates.

Shelli Yoder will have a G4G (Gearing Up for the General!) Meeting on Monday, June 25 from 5:15 to 6:15 pm at Inkwell. Please RSVP to [email protected]

Penny Githens, Candidate for State Representative District 60 needs people to accompany her to events. Remember she has Morgan and Monroe counties as part of her crazy gerrymandered district. Please email her volunteer coordinator to participate in a genius of a way to sign up! [email protected]


Hoosier Women Forward Leadership Development Program
Democratic women across the state who are interested in public policy, political advocacy, and moving Indiana forward with progressive policies and ideas are invited to apply for the HWF program. They need women who are deeply interested in, and can commit to, a nine-month program focusing on study, field experience, and political leadership training. They’re not just looking for Hoosier women who want to run for public office but women who are interested in gaining the skills needed to hold leadership roles in their communities that will effect positive change—from campaign manager, to school board, to head of a nonprofit, to state and federal office. Between 20 and 25 Hoosier women will be selected for the inaugural class. Information and application are here:

Emerging Leaders Project
If you are interested in running for office, this statewide training program might be your ticket. Information and application form can be found here:  Quick, though... applications are due June 15.

City of Bloomington Citizen's Academy
Superior program held on Thursdays from the end of August through October. Guaranteed that every single person will learn something they never knew about the City of Bloomington government. Guaranteed.  An essential if you are thinking of running for a city office in 2019.  Info here:

Opportunity to serve as a Precinct Committee Person.
PCs represent the Democratic Party in their neighborhoods, and work to get out the vote for all Democratic candidates, support the efforts of the local party and also have a say in caucus meetings to fill vacancies in elected offices. If you are interested, contact the man with the power to appoint you, Chairman Mark Fraley at [email protected]


Indiana 9th District Torchbearers Fundraiser
Wednesday, June 13, 6-8 pm
Grazie Italiano, 106 W 6th Street
$10 at the door, or free for Torchbearers (who may sign up at the door)
This is a great opportunity to meet candidates for statewide offices and enjoy hors d'oeuvers and conversation.
Sponsorships available.
Contact [email protected]

2018 Big Dem Weekend
Friday, June 15 and Saturday, June 16, 2018
Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis
There are opportunities to attend the convention as an alternate delegate. Contact Mark Fraley at [email protected] The Big Dem Weekend occurs every two years and includes the Hoosier Hospitality Dinner on June 15th and the State Convention on June 16th. Click here to visit the Indiana Democratic Party site and learn about the 2018 Big Dem Weekend.
***Please note: if you would like a ride to either of the Big Dem Weekend Events, please email Executive Director Kaisa Goodman at [email protected] .

Monroe County Democrats Club Luncheon
Tuesday, June 19, 11:30am
DeAngelo's Restaurant, Eastland Plaza
The Monroe County Democrats Club will meet on Tuesday, June 19, at 11:30 am at DeAngelo's Restaurant in Eastland Plaza. Speaker TBA. The public is invited to attend. 

MCBDC Juneteenth Fundraiser
Friday, June 22, 2018 5:00pm
Griffin Realty, 735 S. College Ave., Bloomington
Suggested Contributions: $50, $100, $250, $500
Checks: Monroe County Black Democratic Caucus, PO Box 3471, Bloomington, IN 47402

Piedmont-Smith Constituent Meeting

Saturday, June 30, 11:00am–noon

McCloskey Room #135, City Hall

Bloomington City Council Member Isabel Piedmont-Smith (District 5) will host her monthly constituent meeting on Saturday, June 30, 11:00 am to noon in the McCloskey Room (135) of City Hall. She welcomes all Bloomington residents, not just those in District 5, to come discuss city issues. For a full schedule of Isabel's 2018 meetings, please see


A reminder to share with the Steering Committee your thoughts on how we can improve the DWC, whether by offering more political training, revised by-laws or policies (see the website for current versions) or any other ideas you have. Send a message to [email protected]


And help our candidates with your expertise!!! Peruse the Indiana Election Division website at and become an expert in running political campaigns overnight!

Join the DWC or Renew your membership today.
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership. Only $20 for one year’s membership. 
Join online here:

Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.

Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus