Another interesting week in the annals of American Politics… as the President continues to steam roll his way through our Allies in Europe, the Republican Party recently rolled out it’s new logo for the midterm elections… “better off now”. There were daily reports of attacks, physical and legislative, on immigrants, people of color (including one here in Bloomington), and the less well off, by folks who believe that this country belongs to whites and/or the rich to exclusion of everyone else…. Our elected District Nine representative touted the gain of 50 jobs at one location while neglecting to mention that the same company is closing another plant in Indiana for a net loss of 50 Hoosier workers. Our state Attorney General insists that due process is simply a witch hunt against his character.
Meanwhile, here in Monroe and surrounding counties, our candidates are working hard to earn your trust and your vote. You can find them at meetings and fairs, on social media and knocking on doors. Get to know them and what they stand for, let them know what matters to you as a citizen, and give them what help you can in the fight to return to a government that represents us all.
Candidate Info
Action Items
Look to this section each week to find current information about DWC candidates.
Penny Githens, Candidate for State Representative District 60 needs people to accompany her to events. Penny is working hard in a difficult race. Remember she has Morgan and Monroe counties as part of her crazy gerrymandered district. Please email her volunteer coordinator to participate in a genius of a way to sign up! [email protected]
Ashley Pirani, Candidate for County Council District 3, needs volunteers -- walkers, letters to editor, yard sign locations (Bean Blossom, Clear Creek, Indian Creek, Richland, Van Buren Townships -- or highly visible locations near there), etc. If you can assist with any (or all!) of that, please email: [email protected]
Kate Wiltz, Candidate for County Council District 2, needs a volunteer to manage her Letters to the Editor campaign. contact Kate at [email protected]
Regina Moore is looking for t-shirts from women candidates in the past for a project. Please contact her if you have one that she could use.
The City of Bloomington Office of the City Clerk is accepting applications to fill vacant positions on the Bloomington Environmental Commission. The positions are available for city residents. The Environmental Commission advises the City of Bloomington on how its actions and poicies may preserve and enhance the quality of Bloomington’s environment, including the life-supporting processes that natural ecological systems provide humans and other organisms.
To learn more, or for online applications, go to “OnBoard”, the online City system for board and commission information at bloomington.in.gov/onboard or click on the “OnBoard” button on the City’s home web page.
All board and commission meetings are free and open to the public. Potential applicants are encouraged to attend a meeting of their desired board or commission prior to applying.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018 11:30am
Monroe County Democrats Club Monthly Meeting
DeAngelo's restaurant in Eastland Plaza
We will hear from Democratic candidates including Kate Wiltz, Nicole Brown, Penny Githens as well as Amy and Brad Swain.
Monday, July 23, 2018, 5:30-8:00pm
Be a Healthcare Hero: A Community Call to Action w/ Ady Barkan
Bloomington City Hall
Join Hoosier Action, and special guest healthcare hero Ady Barkan, on July 23rd at 5:30 pm on the Bloomington City Hall steps for the unveiling of their Care Agenda, which includes:
1. Protecting and expanding healthcare for all Hoosiers Passing the Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency (CARE) Act
2. Eliminating harmful state policies and unnecessary red tape which are used to deny Hoosiers the healthcare we deserve
3. Calling for at least 2% of every Indiana city and county budget to be dedicated to compassionate drug and mental health treatment
Every Hoosier knows someone who has faced hard times because of healthcare problems. Or maybe you are that person. Too many Hoosiers either can’t get the care they need or have to choose between paying rent and utilities or paying medical bills and filling prescriptions. Doctors and other service providers in Indiana have to struggle with an underfunded and over-complicated bureaucracy that often keeps them from providing the quality of healthcare they want to provide for their patients. Hoosiers struggling with mental health issues or addiction often have no place to turn and, even if they can access services, there isn’t enough money to pay for them. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical and insurance company profits explode. These same companies then line the pockets of the very politicians who are supposed to be working for us. Millionaires get richer, and the rest of us get sicker.It does not have to be like this. Together we can change the state of Hoosier healthcare.
Friday, Aug. 3, 2018, 4:00-6:00pm
Contact Your Reps! Party
BloomingTea, 615 W. Kirkwood Ave.,
Sponsored by Monroe County NOW and Indivisible Bloomington and 9th District
Monroe County NOW and Bloomington Indivisible want to make it easier for you to contact your elected representatives! Join them for their regular Contact Your Reps party at Bloomingtea on Friday August 3 at 4 pm! They’ll provide postage, scripts, and supplies! You bring your concerns!
Friday, August 24, 2018
Save the date: DWC Women's Equality Day Celebration
The Old (but newly refurbished) Woolery Mill
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Save this date, too: Kate Wiltz for County Council CAKE WALK!
Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018 2:00-4:00pm
The Power Of The Black Vote
City Hall Council Chambers, 401 N. Morton St.
Hosted by the Monroe County Black Democratic Caucus
The Monroe County Black Democratic Caucus (MCBDC) is hosting a discussion about "Why Black Voices Matter in the Political Arena” featuring Dana Black as the keynote speaker and Amrita Myers, Associate Professor of History and Gender Studies as moderator. This panel discussion will be an opportunity for members of the community to share concerns and to offer a pathway to solutions through policy and being involved with our party.
Sunday Sept 9, 2018
Fourth Annual Hamilton Family Picnic
Bryan Park,
With our fantastic local, state and federal Democratic candidates, music and food, for political momentum building for the critical mid-term elections coming up.
Thursday, October 18, 6:00 - 9:00pm
Save the Date: MCDP Fall Dinner & Fundraiser
Liberty Ball Room & Banquet Center, 2100 S Liberty Dr, Bloomington
Still our highest priority this week!! Contact our Democratic Senator, Joe Donnelly, and urge him to make every effort to block Supreme Court nominees who want to drag us back to the middle ages. Tell him you have his back in this fight!
Senator Joe Donnelly:
Washington D.C. Office: (202) 224-4814
Indianapolis Office: (317) 226-5555
115 N. Pennsylvania St., Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Join the DWC or renew your membership today.
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership.
Join online here: https://democraticwomenscaucus.nationbuilder.com/membership
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus