Monday Morning News 07/23/18

DWC Endorsements
As of the beginning of this month, our fall Ballot has now been set, and membership will again be asked to vote on endorsements as we move into the fall election.
To clarify how this will work, all candidates who were endorsed in the primary and won their election are still endorsed. Candidates who were supported during the May primary season and who are moving on to the fall election are eligible for endorsement by the membership for the fall election.
Candidates who have been added to the ballot since the May primary and who would like to seek DWC endorsement will be interviewed by an Endorsement Committee composed of several Steering Committee members and 2 non-Steering Committee members of the DWC. To that end, if you would like to serve on the Endorsement Committee for the fall election cycle, please send an email to [email protected] ASAP. The Endorsement Committee will need to begin meeting immediately to make sure we are ready for a vote on this issue at our August 3 breakfast meeting.
More information on candidates will be available in next week's Monday Morning News. You'll also find information about voting online for those members who cannot come to the breakfast.
And more on the subject of endorsements:
The Steering Committee acknowledges that this primary election season was one that tested our Endorsement Policy. Several things came into play this year, for example, the incredible growth in applicants for endorsement (may end up being 18+ this year), the time crunch to complete the process with so many candidates in a timely enough fashion to help their campaigns, and the challenge to find Endorsement Committee members who were not already working on campaigns of candidates seeking endorsement.
Similar challenges have arisen in previous election cycles, and the DWC has reviewed and adjusted the policy and process in the past. Since the primary elections in the spring, the Steering Committee has again been diligently reviewing the endorsement process. The committee is considering the entire process from beginning to end (including the elimination of endorsements in primaries) and would appreciate the comments and insights of the membership as the evaluation of this important aspect of our organization continues.
Whether you have been a candidate, worked intimately with a women's campaign, or are one of our observant, intelligent, supportive and insightful members, please let the Steering Committee know your thoughts on the endorsement process by emailing your statement to [email protected]. We are working on a timeline that will ensure the membership is informed about this issue and that any adjustments to the process are in place before the next filing period for candidates -- January 2019 for the municipal election. Keep watch here for more information!

Women's Equality Dinner
It's been our tradition since we began the DWC to celebrate Women's Equality Day -- the day set aside to commemorate the passage of the nineteenth amendment to the US Constitution that prohibits states and the federal government from denying the right to vote on the basis of sex.
We are planning again this year to celebrate with a fundraiser dinner** gathering at the new One World at Woolery.
Details are forthcoming, but if you would like to help with this event PLEASE volunteer! [email protected]

Regina Moore has the idea of creating a Women's Campaigns T-shirt Quilt as a raffle fundraiser** for the DWC. She needs campaign t-shirts from women candidates, and if you have an old one that you don't use please consider donating it to the cause. It doesn't even matter if they're all blue! email [email protected]
**Our activities supporting our endorsed candidates this fall will have some expenses, especially if we do a postcard mailing as we have done in the past. The DWC has also supported women candidates with cash depending on the campaign need, etc. It's a huge year for women candidates, so please think about how you can help with these activities!

That’s just what Liz Watson will be doing, but we have to help her. Here’s a recent commentary on IN09 by Daily Kos
IN-09: Freshman GOP Rep. Trey Hollingsworth brazenly carpetbagged into southern Indiana from Tennessee three years ago and won an open-seat GOP primary thanks to heavy super-PAC spending from his wealthy father. He wound up running well behind the top of the ticket in the general election, but his district's deep red lean was enough to ensure his victory. There's a chance he may not be quite so fortunate this year. Democrat Liz Watson outraised him almost 2-to-1 last quarter, and 2018 is shaping up to be a much stronger year for Democrats than 2016. Hollingsworth can always fall back on his family wealth, and this district remains very conservative, but he's the kind of weak incumbent who could be vulnerable in a wave.
To #FLIPIN09, Liz is asking all of the Progressive groups in Bloomington, Young Democrats, College Democrats, Indivisible, Monroe County NOW PAC, Swing Left, D4MC, High School Dems and DWC to all help Liz’s campaign by taking ONE day a month to sponsor a Day of Action for her. Our DWC dates are July 28th and August 26th.
We’re asking that you please take one 3 hour shift (9am, noon, 3pm, or 6pm) of knocking on doors or calling for Liz on those days (September and October dates are TBA). You will be fully briefed on what to do, provided materials and everything you’ll need to canvass that day. We’re partnering with the Monroe County Young Democrats on the first two Days of Action. We’ll make new friends!
Conventional wisdom says that the BEST time to take out an incumbent is at the end of their first term. Tennesee Trey is a back-bencher, votes along party lines, refuses to have a town hall meeting to update his constituents and is NOT the representative we want. For the 9th District, and for the sake of replacing him with one smart, hard working woman who shares our values and will work for us, won’t you please, PLEASE consider one shift on July 28th? With so much at stake, we need to do all we can to get our base to the polls!
Regina Moore ([email protected]) will begin the coordination of this effort, but the DWC will also need one or two members to help co-ordinate this effort at the HQ (116 S. Madison). Let her know if you can help organize!


July 28
Aug 26

RSVP by July 26 for the July 28 DOA -
RSVP by Aug 23 for the Aug 26 DOA -

WHAT: We will be door knocking for the Watson campaign. We will will be briefed on the activity on arrival from the Watson campaign. The campaign has all the materials, addresses, and points of contact we need for this day to be a success. All you need to do is show up and bring a friend!

WHERE: 116 South Madison. We will meet at Monroe County Dem Party Headquarters. There is a possibility our group may be asked to canvass in a surrounding county.

ORGANIZATION POINT OF CONTACT: Regina Moore [email protected]

CAMPAIGN POINT OF CONTACT: Brian Peters, [email protected] OR (724) 858-5120 & Marten Stein, [email protected] & (724) 858-5120

Candidate Info
Action Items

Look to this section each week to find current information about DWC candidates.

Penny Githens, Candidate for State Representative District 60 has a Day of Action planned for August 25th. There'll be two shifts -- 10:00 am to 1 pm and then 1 to 4 pm. Staging will be from the HQ at 4th and Madison. Please email her volunteer coordinator to participate: [email protected]
Her second big canvassing event will be in Martinsville on Saturday, August 4th. Canvassing will be from 1-4 and staging will be at the Starbucks. Again, get with Deborah Meader (above email) for more information.
Penny has a hard race, it's true. But have you ever seen a candidate more dedicated to, not to just her race but the race to make Indiana better? Incredibly dedicated and so smart, Penny would be the biggest boost we could give to the other good Democrats in the Statehouse! Please consider helping her.

Ashley Pirani, Candidate for County Council District 3, needs volunteers -- walkers, letters to editor, yard sign locations (Bean Blossom, Clear Creek, Indian Creek, Richland, Van Buren Townships -- or highly visible locations near there), etc. If you can assist with any (or all!) of that, please email: [email protected]

Kate Wiltz, Candidate for County Council District 2, needs a volunteer to manage her yard sign locations and her Letters to the Editor campaign. contact Kate at [email protected] Kate also wants you to know that on August 25th, you can travel down the B-Line trail after a visit to the Farmer's Market and come to HQ at 116 S. Madison for a special Cake Walk! This is a family friendly event!

Nicole Browne Nibbles With Nicole Fundraiser Event To Support Nicole Browne's Re-Election For Monroe County Clerk
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2018
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Address: 7978 S. Breeden Road, Bloomington , IN 47403 (Home of Jeana & Roger Kerr)
RSVP by e-mail or text message: [email protected] or (812) 360-5048

*All contributions will go to the Committee To Elect Nicole Browne. Political contributions are not tax deductible.
Can't make it? Contributions can be mailed to:
Committee To Elect Nicole Browne
P.O. Box 3415
Bloomington, IN 47402-3415
***Rain or shine event. Bring a friend!

Fawcett for Judge Committee seeking Fundraising Chair
Because judicial candidates are prohibited from personally soliciting campaign contributions or personally accepting campaign contributions, the Fawcett for Judge Committee is seeking a Finance Chair or Finance Intern who can plan and coordinate fundraising efforts through the General Election. Please contact Allison Chopra ([email protected]) or Jennifer Armstrong ([email protected]) if you are interested.



The City of Bloomington Office of the City Clerk is accepting applications to fill vacant positions on the Bloomington Environmental Commission. The positions are available for city residents. The Environmental Commission advises the City of Bloomington on how its actions and poicies may preserve and enhance the quality of Bloomington’s environment, including the life-supporting processes that natural ecological systems provide humans and other organisms.
To learn more, or for online applications, go to “OnBoard”, the online City system for board and commission information at or click on the “OnBoard” button on the City’s home web page.
All board and commission meetings are free and open to the public. Potential applicants are encouraged to attend a meeting of their desired board or commission prior to applying.



Go to Action Item #2 at the end of this message. Easy as pie!

Monday, July 23, 2018, 5:30-8:00pm
Bloomington City Hall
Be a Healthcare Hero: A Community Call to Action w/ Ady Barkan
Hoosier Action and Hoosiers for a Common Sense Health Plan are cosponsoring an event at Bloomington City Hall, Monday, July 23 at 5:30-7:00pm to launch a campaign to make healthcare a central issue in the fall elections. Our special guest will be Ady Barken, who is dying of ALS, but devoting his last months to raising awareness of the continuing healthcare crisis in this country. (Here's a short video by Ady:
This is not just another rally designed to express our concern about a problem facing the nation and our community. It is part of a carefully planned strategy to convince large numbers of our fellow citizens throughout southern Indiana to pledge to be healthcare voters this fall. There will be options for taking very real action.

Saturday, July 28, 2018 all day
DWC & Young Dems Day of ACTION for Liz Watson

Friday, August 3, 2018 at 7:30 am
DWC Breakfast at the Village Deli
Special Guest will be Joselyn Whittiker, candidate for Indiana State Auditor
We met Joselyn at the Indiana State Democratic Convention and invited her to speak to us. We'll be bundling checks for her that day, so don't forget your checkbook. We guarantee you'll be delighted with Joselyn and her approach to public service.

Friday, Aug. 3, 2018, 4:00-6:00pm
Contact Your Reps! Party
BloomingTea, 615 W. Kirkwood Ave.,
Sponsored by Monroe County NOW and Indivisible Bloomington and 9th District
You are invited to join these group members at a regular Contact Your Reps party at Bloomingtea on Friday August 3 at 4 pm! They’ll provide postage, scripts, and supplies and you bring your concerns!

Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 11:00 am.
Nibbling with Nicole Browne fundraiser! See above note under candidates actions.

Friday, August 24, 2018
Save the date: DWC Women's Equality Day Celebration
The Old (but newly refurbished) Woolery Mill

Saturday, August 25, 2018
Kate Wiltz Cake Walk (see above candidates section)

Saturday, August 25, 2018
Penny Githens Day of Action (see above candidates section)

Sunday, August 26, 2018 all day
DWC & Young Dems Day of Action for Liz Watson

Sunday, August 26, 2018
Intersectional Pay Equity: Steps to Pay Equity for Women
2-4 pm at the Monroe County Courthouse
A Program by the Monroe County Women's Commission
This is an interactive event, which will feature breakout sessions on salary negotiations, discriminatory hiring/firing, and sexual harassment. Register at:

Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018 2:00-4:00pm
The Power Of The Black Vote
City Hall Council Chambers, 401 N. Morton St.
Hosted by the Monroe County Black Democratic Caucus
The Monroe County Black Democratic Caucus (MCBDC) is hosting a discussion about "Why Black Voices Matter in the Political Arena” featuring Dana Black as the keynote speaker and Amrita Myers, Associate Professor of History and Gender Studies as moderator. This panel discussion will be an opportunity for members of the community to share concerns and to offer a pathway to solutions through policy and being involved with our party.

Sunday Sept 9, 2018
Fourth Annual Hamilton Family Picnic
Bryan Park,
With our fantastic local, state and federal Democratic candidates, music and food, for political momentum building for the critical mid-term elections coming up.

Thursday, October 18, 6:00 - 9:00pm
Save the Date: MCDP Fall Dinner & Fundraiser
Liberty Ball Room & Banquet Center, 2100 S Liberty Dr, Bloomington



1. Still our highest priority this week!! Contact our Democratic Senator, Joe Donnelly, and urge him to make every effort to block Supreme Court nominees who want to drag us back to the middle ages. Tell him you have his back in this fight!

Senator Joe Donnelly:
Washington D.C. Office: (202) 224-4814
Indianapolis Office: (317) 226-5555
115 N. Pennsylvania St., Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46204

2. EASY PEASY action suggested by member Mandy Yates:
Campaign to Contact WTIU to host an Indiana 9th District Congressional Debate

On Friday, July 20, the Herald-Times mentioned on its opinion page that they had reached out to Trey Hollingsworth's office about debating Liz Watson before the November election. Hollingsworth stated he would be willing to have a debate if an organization reached out to host. See post below for full information.
Let's contact WTIU, our only local television station in the Ninth District, and ask that they schedule and host a debate between Hollingsworth and Watson. We need to see and hear what the candidates have to say before we go vote on November 6. To reach out to the station, please e-mail them at [email protected]. It can be a short message just asking WTIU to host. E-mails sent to the station are compiled and distributed internally to every employee of the station. They will listen, so let's do this!


Join the DWC or renew your membership today.
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership.
Join online here:

Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.

Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus