Monday Morning News - September 10, 2018

Friday Breakfast Panel on Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Incredibly Informative

Since September is "Recovery Month", Friday's breakfast program featured a panel of women from our own local mental health treatment community who answered questions posed by Amanda Barge and DWC members in attendance. The panelists, several of whom are themselves in recovery, included:

  • Stacy Cary, Peer recovery Specialist at Centerstone
  • Jackie Daniels, Executive Director of Indiana Center for Recovery
  • Dr. Carrie Lawrence, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention at the IU School of Public Health
  • Emily Goodson, Indiana Recovery Alliance Board Member
  • Whitney Meeks, Indiana Recovery Alliance Board Member and volunteer
  • Amanda Adhami, Outpatient Counselor at Amethyst House

The panelists spoke first about two primary treatment approaches--"Harm Reduction" and "Abstinence Based Treatment."

Harm Reduction seeks to reduce the health, social and economic harm associated with drug or alcohol use, and to lessen usage of drugs or alcohol. Panelists described Harm Reduction as meeting people where they are for purposes of treatment and not where you expect them to be, focusing on positive change and the next step, embracing complexity and inclusiveness, and loving people no matter what. The Harm Reduction approach does not require abstinence. 

Abstinence Based Treatment involves the complete cessation of drug or alcohol use. Proponents of Abstinence Based Treatment are not necessarily opposed to treatment that includes the use of drugs such as vivitrol or methadone, and they are not opposed to Harm Reduction--these are all valid alternative treatment methodologies. Abstinence Based Treatment was described as empowering clients to "know that they can do this," getting at the root cause of addiction and helping clients figure out their own paths after treatment. They stressed that abstinence is used during treatment, but that it is not always necessary for people to be abstinent for the rest of their lives.

Panelists were asked about the effects of addiction and treatment specifically on women. They responded that women are often mothers and primary care-givers, and in-patient treatment poses obvious issues for them in finding help for their families while they are absent. In addition, while all individuals with mental health issues must deal with the stigma our society attaches to mental illness, women, and particularly those with children, can be subject to greater stigma. These issues do not go unrecognized in the industry. Amethyst House, for example, currently has a grant for a women-only therapy group.

A few other take-aways:

  • It is incredibly challenging to find accurate and complete data on mental health issues. It is crucial that we improve in this area or research on mental illness and advances in treatment will continue to lag behind other areas of our health system.
  • The stigma attached to mental illness and addiction is still a huge problem. We don't do enough to share the stories of people who are in recovery. These are not aliens among us--they are our friends, neighbors and family members. Their stories are about how lives are changed and people return to being active and productive members of the community.
  • Stigma could be reduced if we decriminalized addiction.

A huge thank you to the panelists for a very engaging and enlightening discussion, and to Amanda for facilitating it. We all have a ton more to learn about mental illness and addiction but this was a great introduction to some of the current issues.


Candidate Info
Action Items

Look to this section each week to find current information about DWC candidates. Contact the candidates to learn about their current needs and lend a hand!

Fawcett for Judge Committee. Please contact Allison Chopra ([email protected]) or Jennifer Armstrong ([email protected]). 

Lee Jones for Monroe County Commissioner:  [email protected]

Shelli Yoder, Candidate for County Council District 1. Alison Pitt Polley, campaign chair, at [email protected].

Kate Wiltz, Candidate for County Council District 2: [email protected] 

Ashley Pirani, Candidate for County Council District 3:  [email protected]

Penny Githens, Candidate for State Representative District 60.  Volunteer coordinator: [email protected].

Amy Swain, Candidate for State Representative District 62. Campaign coordinator Cory Ray: [email protected]

AND.....Check the events section for specific events for each candidate…


Coats and Blankets for Indiana Recovery Alliance
Coats and blankets to help clients of the Indiana Recovery Alliance can be dropped off at the following locations:
  • Time and Tide Tattoo, 103 W. 6th St., Daily 12-8 pm
  • Atlas Ballroom, 209 S. College Ave., Daily 5 pm -3 am
  • Rainbow Bakery, 201 S. Robers, Mon-Sat. 9 am-7 pm
Opioid Summit Volunteers
Amanda Barge and Shelli Yoder would love to have some DWC volunteers at the Opioid Summit! Volunteer for just awhile and get free tickets to the whole event! Below is the link for sign up.  Spots are limited. Thank you!

Still seeking Women's Campaign T-Shirts for a Fundraising Quilt! 
Regina Moore is creating a Women's Campaigns T-shirt Quilt as a raffle fundraiser** for the DWC. She needs campaign t-shirts from women candidates, so if you have an old one that you don't use please consider donating it to the cause.  It doesn't even matter if they're all blue! email [email protected]. You can also leave the shirts at the Democratic Party HQ at 116 S. Madison, 47403.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 6:00-8:00 pm 
Fundraiser for Ashley Pirani, Candidate for County Council
Friendly Beasts Cider Company, 222 W 2nd St, Bloomington, IN 47401
Please join us on September 12th from 6-8 pm for the first fundraiser to support Ashley Pirani's candidacy  for County Council. It will be at Friendly Beasts and is family friendly. Check out the event details at the Facebook link below.

Saturday, September 15, 2018, noon - 5:00 pm 
Persisterhood Fundraiser for Penny Githens
Hosted by Nelda Colglazier at 2616 Poplar Court, Bloomington, IN
This group of activists are motivated by how much work there is to be done and how much there is to lose. They are dedicated to social justice, proceeds sales go to organizations and individuals holding progressive values, beliefs and positions. Support Penny Githens by purchasing unique ceramic pieces, zen rocks and more. Not to be missed!

Sunday, September 16, 2018, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Fundraiser to Support Liz Watson
Home of Vicki Veenker & Tim Crockett, 1658 Russell Road, Bloomington, IN 
Please join us for a fundraiser to help Liz Watson become our next U.S. Representative for the 9th District. The fundraiser will feature special guests Hon. Lee Hamilton and Hon. Baron Hill. Music will be provided by Carrie Newcomer & Robert Meitus. All contributions are welcome and appreciated! Please RSVP to [email protected] or 317.709.1228. More information can be found on Facebook.

Tuesday, September 18 and Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Second Annual Opioid Summit
Monroe Convention Center, 302 South College Avenue, Bloomington, IN 
This event brings the best and brightest together to examine issues around harm reduction, medication assisted treatment, abstinence based treatment, the criminal justice system's approach, housing first models, overdose prevention, legislative issues, supporting families and much more! This year features a hands-on project planning session and more opportunities to network! Day 1: $40.00 — 9:00 am - 4:00 pm / breakfast and lunch provided. Day 1 will include keynote speakers, a legislative panel, breakout sessions, and more information will be announced soon. We also plan to host a networking dinner in the evening.
Day 2: $40.00 — 9:00 am - 4:00 pm / breakfast and lunch provided. Day 2 will include keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and an afternoon of networking and project planning. More information will be provided here and on social media.
If you register for BOTH days at the time of registration, the cost is only $75.00 for both days!

Saturday, September 22, 2018, 10:00 am - noon
Tame the Gerrymander! A Discussion of Redistricting Reform
Trinity Episcopal Church, 111 S. Grant St., Bloomington, IN
The League of Women Voters and Trinity Episcopal Church are sponsoring a presentation and discussion of redistricting reform led by Julia Vaughn, Common Cause. Ms. Vaughn spearheads the Indiana Coalition for Independent Redistricting. This meeting will focus on the current redistricting picture in Indiana, the history of (failed) attempts at legislative reform and, most importantly, what citizens can do to bring about change.

Thursday, September 27, 2018, 5:30-7:00 pm
Groovin' At Grazie: A Fundraiser for Nicole Browne's Re-Election for Monroe County Clerk 
Grazie Italiano, 106 W. 6th St., Bloomington, IN
Enjoy appetizers, cocktails, music and Bloomington's downtown ambience with Monroe County Clerk Candidate Nicole Browne. Suggested contribution: $50.00 RSVP by e-mail or text message: [email protected] or (812) 369-7379

Saturday, September 29, 2018, 6:00 pm
Fundraiser for Darcie Fawcett, Candidate for Judge
Grazie Italiano, 106 W. 6th St., Bloomington, IN
Please join us for a Fundraising Dinner for Darcie Fawcett, Candidate for Monroe County Circuit Court Judge, Seat 8 on Saturday, September 29, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. The event includes a four-course Italian Dinner including drinks, appetizer, salad, choice of entree and dessert.  There's a $150 suggested donation, but all levels of support welcomed.

Sunday, September 30th from 2:00 - 5:00 pm
DFMC Picnic and Disc Golf Tournament
Karst Farm Park, 2450 S. Endwright Rd, Shelter #2
Get out your discs and start practicing for the Sixth Annual Democracy For Monroe County (DMFC) Picnic and Disc Golf Tournament. Enjoy good food, good music, and good friends while helping support DFMC in its mission to recruit, train, and support socially and economically progressive candidates at the local, state, and federal levels.

Tickets are $15 per person and $25 per family (one or two adults with children 17 and under). The Disk Golf tournament is $10 to enter, and the winner will receive a $50 BloomingBucks certificate, redeemable at many of our fine local establishments. There will also be a silent auction.

Saturday, October 6, 2018, Noon - 3:00 pm
Day of Action for Van Buren Township Candidates
Meet at MCDP HQ
Campaign for Amy Swain for State Representative District 62, Ashley Pirani for County Council District 3, and Will Smith for Van Buren Township Board all at once with a coordinated canvas.

Thursday, October 18, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Save the Date: MCDP Fall Dinner & Fundraiser 
Liberty Ball Room & Banquet Center, 2100 S. Liberty Drive, Bloomington


Kavanaugh hearings are finished. The voting charade begins next at the Judiciary Committee on September 13th. 

We must continue to let Senator Joe Donnelly know that we do not want him to vote for this man. He will provide an additional Supreme Court vote against the interests of reproductive rights, health care, and equality, among many other progressive ideals!

If you need more information on this nominee, here's the link: 

Contact our Democratic Senator, Joe Donnelly, and urge him to make every effort to block Supreme Court nominees who want to drag us back to the middle ages. What's at stake is not only reproductive rights but the rule of law itself.

Senator Joe Donnelly:
Washington DC Office: (202) 224-4814
Indianapolis Office: (317) 226-5555     
115 N. Pennsylvania St., Suite 100  
Indianapolis, IN 46204

The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership.  
Join online here:

Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.

Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus