It has been a surreal, sad and fearful week for many Americans, and it's not over yet. The Presidential election did not go our way, and we Hoosiers lost big at the state level, too. So. We can continue to grieve and worry and talk amongst our like-minded friends about what could possibly have gone wrong. In the meantime, mean-spirited fellow citizens are painting swastikas on our public trails and defacing the Democratic Headquarters. Every sane, thinking person of any political persuasion knows this is not acceptable and that our beautiful political experiment and our very society will not survive if we let our standards of civility be trashed by misguided hooligans.
Well now, enough then. It's time to stop moping, pick ourselves up and do something about it. About 80 DWC members and friends met at Grazie on Friday for lunch to debrief and just be with each other. It was therapeutic (literally--there were several therapists who spoke). Charlotte Zietlow reminded us that this too shall pass. She has seen many political ups and downs in her lifetime and we will get through this, but it requires action. And Vi Simpson lit the fire for starting by fixing our nightmarishly gerrymandered voting districts that prevent any political progress or conversation.
And this is the key. OUR COUNTRY NEEDS US DESPERATELY. We are some of the best informed and activated citizens anywhere, and yes, we are local, but as we well know, everything begins with local. Our polling places are local and that's where individuals pulled the lever (or didn't) and got us where we are today. We are exactly where the work needs to begin. So let it begin. It's your time to step up, yes we mean YOU. Each of us must figure out where we can find common ground, build bridges, influence others and change the world for the better. And let's not forget that there is strength in numbers. DWC--we are best together, sisters and brothers looking forwardand outward to an America that we KNOW IS ALREADY GREAT but needs a little help finding its way again.
Here's a song to get us on our way. It popped up Thursday on this editor's iphone like a sign from a better future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5tWYmIOWGk
Action Item
Some of our endorsed candidates won and some did not. But they all took Monroe County (WOOHOOO!!) and are all winners in our eyes. They worked tirelessly to get their messages out and we are so proud of all of them, working for positive, progressive change in Indiana!
PENNY GITHENS, candidate for State House District 60
JESSICA McCLELLAN, candidate for County Treasurer
AMANDA BARGE, candidate for County Commissioner 3
JULIE THOMAS, re-elect to County Commissioner 2
LEE JONES, re-elect to County Council at-large
CHERYL MUNSON, re-elect to County Council at-large
JOANI SHIELDS, candidate for County Coroner
HOLLY HARVEY, candidate for Judge
And while we couldn't officially endorse Shelli Yoder because she was running a national race, WE ARE ENDORSING HER HERE AND NOW AS A STAR. Shelli, the DWC is SO proud of your spectacular campaign. The whole country took notice! We know there are more races are in your future and we will be here to help you again, next time with a WIN!!
A HUGE thank you to the following selfless DWC members who stood outside our polling places distributing the point of sale piece that described all of our endorsed candidates:
Dorothy Granger
Linda Grove-Paul
Lillian Henegar
Amanda Barge
Pamela Davidson
Nancy White
Deborah Meader
Julie Thomas
Terri Porter
Cheryl Munson
Cathi Crabtree
Vicky Sorenson
Community Teach-In: How to Engage in Difficult Dialogues about Race with Youth
Tuesday, November 15, 6 PM- 7PM, Bloomington Transit Center Multipurpose Room
Please join in a community teach-in on how to have difficult conversations with our young people about the divisive and polarizing issue of race in our country. This effort is jointly sponsored by the IU School of Education, the MCCSC, the City of Bloomington and Mothers and Allies for Anti-Racist Practices (MAAP).
Women's March on Washington
Saturday, January 21, 2017, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.
Join hundreds of thousands of women in a March on Washington to show our support for women everywhere and highlight issues of sexual assault, workplace discrimination, and women's equality. We need to let the new administration know that we are here, we are watching and we will take action! Let us know if you are interested in going and the DWC will consider whether and how to coordinate meeting up at the march in DC.
Write a Letter or Call Donald Trump Asking Him to Start Leading Now, For God's Sake
No matter who is trying to paint things differently, the recent spate of incidents of vandalism, racism and hate is due to the tone set by Mr. Trump during his campaign. It is not Obama's or Clinton's responsibility to address this, nor would that be the most effective approach. The perpetrators and their sympathizers will only listen to the individual who encouraged this in the first place, if they'll listen to anyone. So let Mr. Trump know he needs to step up immediately and fix what he started, for the good of the entire country and before more damage is done.
Donald Trump
Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-832-2000
From CREDOaction.com
Sign the pledge to stand in solidarity and fight back against Donald Trump’s agenda of fascism, racism, sexism, xenophobia and hate.
Have you paid your DWC Dues for 2016?
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership!
Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here: https://democraticwomenscaucus.nationbuilder.com/membership
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus