We hope everyone had a safe, warm and happy Thanksgiving. The weather certainly cooperated. But now it's on to year end. Will the government shut down? Will Mueller's team drop additional bombshells? Can we survive this parody of American politics until December 31st and at least say we survived a year? (Not that it matters much. Life in this ever-changing fresh hell will go on...)
But no need for despair. There is still much we can do at the local level, especially to begin preparing for local elections in 2018 and 2019. So start thinking now about offices that are up for election and how you can help candidates who support the mission of the DWC. We offer many ways to get you started in this newsletter. Off we go!
Action Items
DWC Elections:
At our breakfast meeting this Friday, December 1, the DWC will hold elections for Secretary and Vice Chair, and 5 at-large seats on the Steering Committee. This is your last chance to let us know you'd like to run. Please email Amy Swain at [email protected] ASAP if you are interested.
Make sure your membership is up to date as only members may vote on this issue.
Endorsement Committee:
Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals Vacancy:
The Monroe County Board of Commissioners is seeking an applicant to serve on the Plan Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals (one position with a dual appointment). The Plan Commission hears petitions on subdivisions and development projects,and considers zoning and subdivision ordinance changes. The Board of Zoning Appeals is a quasi-judicial board which hears requests on variances and conditional uses regardin particular properties or developments. Applicants cannot hold an elected or appointed position in City/Town, County, or State government and must reside in Monroe County, but outside town and city boundaries. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Thomas ([email protected]). To apply, complete the application at http://www.co.monroe.in.us/tsd/Government/Commissioners/MonroeCountyBoardsandCommissions.aspx.
Tuesday, November 28*, 11:30 am
Monroe County Democrats’ Club Meeting (*Date Change)
DeAngelo’s Restaurant, 2620 E. 3rd St., Bloomington
This will be the club's last meeting of the year and will conclude a year-long celebration of "Hometown Heroes." The special guest will be Mark Voland, Chairman of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization. Lunch is $11, which includes choice of salad and soup or salad with chicken or shrimp plus a non-alcoholic beverage, tax, and tip. (Pay and place your order as you enter.) Please RSVP to give restaurant an accurate count: [email protected].
Friday, December 1, 7:30 am
Democratic Women’s Caucus Breakfast Meeting
Village Deli, 409 E. Kirkwood, Bloomington
Remember elections will be held at this Friday's DWC breakfast meeting. Look for an email later this week from the DWC that announces the candidates running for the Steering Committee and various Committee offices.
Saturday, December 2, shifts begin at 11:00 a.m. and 12 noon
Your Voice Matters Canvass
Meet at MCDP Headquarters, 116 S. Madison St., Bloomington
Help reach out to members of our community to ask “What do you want from your government?” We’ll go door to door to lend an ear to voters who want to express concerns about local, state, and national issues. Volunteers will first be trained on how to engage with voters, get a walk packet, and then return to debrief. You do not have to have canvassing experience to attend. If you are new to canvassing, you will be paired up with an experienced canvasser. If you have questions or would like to sign up to help, contact Matthew Metz or Jack McGrew or visit the MCDP Facebook page.
Wednesday, December 6th, 6 p.m. EST
Webinar: "How to file to be a Candidate or Precinct Committee-Person"
Indiana Democratic Party's Webinar Wednesdays
Join the Indiana Dems for their December Webinar Wednesday on the topic, "How to file to be a Candidate or Precinct Committee-Person." This webinar will be led by Angie Nussmeyer, the Co-Director of the Indiana Election Division. Angie will lead a discussion and answer questions about the process individuals must go through to make sure their names are on the ballot.
To register, please visit this link: http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/57VFN2GFBMV1M7A Once there, fill in your name, email, phone number, and any questions that you would like us to address in the webinar. Then click "register." You will receive an email within 24 hours before the start of the webinar with the call-in number and link to view the presentation on your computer.
Friday, December 8th at 6:30 p.m.
Indiana Democratic Party Holiday Celebration
Skyline Club, One America Tower, 36th Floor, Indianapolis
Join the Indiana Democratic Party on Friday, December 8, for a Holiday Celebration in downtown Indianapolis. The party will feature elected officials and candidates for 2018. Reserve your tickets now! This event has sold out in the past.
Training Opportunities:
Saturday, December 9, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Indiana Democratic Party to Host Training for Women Candidates
IKORCC Carpenters Hall, 711 Greenwood Springs Dr., Greenwood, IN
In Indiana, only 19% of state legislators are women, even though we made up 53% of all votes cast in 2016. It is time to change who is representing us at all levels of government. The Indiana Democratic Party is excited to announce its partnership with Emerge America to bring a democratic women-only candidate training to Indiana! Emerge America has affiliates in 23 states and has had great success in recruiting and training women to run for office. Past Emerge America participants have gone on to win offices up and down the ballot, from school board to the state house.
The training will be held on Saturday, December 9, at the Carpenters Union Hall in Greenwood, Indiana. Cost of the training is $25. For more information contact Emerge at [email protected] or visit the IN Dems' website and sign up for the training at http://www.indems.org/emerge-women-only-candidate-training/
The Facebook event for this training can be found here.
Other State Party Training Opportunities
The State Party has also put together a second in-person training session and one online school for democratic candidates running up and down the ballot. Both of these training opportunities are open to those wanting to run in 2018, 2019, and 2020, along with anyone who is considering running, and they are being offered purposely before the candidate filing deadline ends in February. Information on these training opportunities can be found on the IN Dems website here
NDTC In-Person Candidate Training on Saturday, January 6, 2018: The National Democratic Training Committee will conduct an in-person candidate training on Saturday, January 6, in Indianapolis. Location TBD. Training topics include Field Organizing, Fundraising, Digital Messaging, and Communications. There is a $25 registration fee for this training to help offset the cost of food and supplies. However, no one will be turned away if they cannot financial afford the fee. Those in need of scholarships can email IN Dems Executive Director Brittany Solis at [email protected].
To sign up for the in-person candidate training, click here.
NDTC Online Candidate Training: The National Democratic Training Committee also offers online candidate trainings. There are currently 80 candidates from across Indiana signed up for this free service. You can sign up and get additional information on the online candidate training here.
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Join the DWC. Renew your membership today.
The DWC is dedicated #1 to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here: https://democraticwomenscaucus.nationbuilder.com/membership
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus