Monday Morning News - April 13, 2015


The DWC Karaoke Night at Player's Pub on Sunday, April 12 was a rollicking good time.  Who knew so many of our political officials and candidates could sing (and move!) so well! 

 A lively audience cheered on elected officials, candidates and friends who performed, and everyone voted for the best performance.  THE WINNER TOOK HOME THIS COOL TROPHY...AND THAT WINNER WAS...DRUM ROLL...


Featured Singers included: 
Allison Chopra--These Boots are Made for Walking (helpers walked all over a picture of a certain Governor)
Dorothy Granger--Incredible Stevie Nicks duet, including blonde wig
Philippa Guthrie and Sally Gaskill--Heat Wave, with boas
John Hamilton--Camelot, then Summer Nights with Shelly Yoder
Darryl Neher--I Wanna be Sedated
Party Chair Mark Fraley--Stellar performances of TWO songs we can't recall (the beer and wine were flowing)
Shelli Yoder--Lady Gaga song wearing appropriate Gaga-ish attire
Several other non-officials/non-candidates with amazing Karaoke flair and unselfish senses of fun

A HUGE thanks to everyone who came out to support the DWC and our gutsy performers, and a special thanks to everyone who was willing to get up on stage!!


Endorsed Candidates Need Your Help!
DFMC Meeting and Endorsements
One Dollar One Vote: Will Democracy Survive Citizens United?
MCDP and Monroe County Democrats' Club Forums for Primary Candidates 
The Empowerment Project
Help Continue the Work of the DWC


You actually can make quite a difference in this campaign, advocating for these women candidates, talking about them in your book clubs, with your family and friends and neighbors.  Their individual contact information can be found at the link above.

In the meantime, here are some specific requests for help!


Allison is seeking election day (May 5th!) volunteers to work the polls.  The following shifts are available:Evangelical Community Church on High Street - 6am-12pm or12pm-6pm

Meadowood - 6am-12pm or 12pm-6pm
Binford Elementary - 6am-12pm or 12pm-6pm
East view Church of Nazarene - 6am-12pm or 12pm-6pm

Please reply to [email protected] to volunteer.  You need NOT be in District 3 to volunteer!  All are welcome!  Bring your kids!  Food provided!


The campaign to elect Isabel Piedmont-Smith to City Council, District 5, needs volunteers for walking door to door, and also letters to the editor. The weather has been wonderful, so please join Isabel for some canvassing fun! And you would be surprised how many readers turn directly to the Letters to the Editor in the Herald-Times. Your statement in support of Isabel in this contested primary election could make a big difference! Please email [email protected] to help canvass, and click to the Herald Times website to submit a letter.


Philippa requests people willing to help her campaign make "Get out the Vote" phone calls.  She hopes to start calls next week or the week after.  Anyone willing to canvass would also be very welcome.  Email [email protected]


If you know someone living in District 2 who would like to host a yard sign, please give Dorothy a call at 734-726-4384


DFMC meeting and endorsements--

The Democracy for Monroe County link up took place on Thursday, April 9 at 6 p.m. at Bobby’s Pub.
Members voted on candidates who applied for endorsement.  The members endorsed the following candidates:

Nicole Bolden, for City Clerk

Kevin Easton, for City Council, District 1

Dorothy Granger, for City Council, District 2

Allison Chopra, for City Council, District 3

John Hamilton, for Mayor

Candidates in city council Districts 4 and 5 were not endorsed because no candidate received the required two-thirds of votes.

One Dollar One Vote: Will Democracy Survive Citizens United?
7-9 p.m. Wednesday, April 15
Maurer School of Law, Moot Court Room 123
211 S. Indiana Avenue in Bloomington

Forums for Primary Candidates

On Thursday, April 16, 7:00 p.m. in the Bloomington City Council Chambers, theMonroe County Democratic Party will host a forum for the public, focusing on the contested council seats. Come join us and hear from your city council candidates regarding a variety of pertinent topics, with time devoted to audience questions. Prior to the forum at 5:30 p.m., there will be a livestream of the Herald-Times mayoral forum, which will include each of the Republican and Democratic candidates.

The Monroe County Democrats' Club will meet on Tuesday, April 21st, at 11:45 a.m. at the American Legion, 1800 W. Third St., Bloomington. The speakers will include candidates for the Bloomington City Council and City Clerk. The public is invited to attend.  

The Empowerment Project
What would Girls do if they weren't afraid to fail?  

The Empowerment Project
Sunday, April 19th
Bloomington High School South Auditorium
3-5 PM

Join us for the film and inspiring town hall conversation with some of our community's most amazing female leaders and role models:

Yael Ksander, WFIU Producer and Host
Judge Valeri Haughton-Motley, Monroe County Circuit Judge
Lisa Pratt, Professor of Geological Science at IU
Roberta Kelzer, Former CEO of the Monroe County YMCA

For more information contact:

Cyrilla Helm
812-330-7700 X50065
[email protected]

Help continue the work of the DWC – ....Join Today!
Dues monies help us fund our endorsed candidates, and allow the DWC to hold trainings, seminars, special events to encourage and hopefully inspire women to become involved in the political process. 
Join any time.  Only $20 for one year’s membership.  Join online here

Do you have news items?

Send your items of interest to us at [email protected].
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.


Democratic Women's Caucus
