Monday Morning News - April 6, 2015

DWC First Ever Political Karaoke Night at Player's Pub Sunday, April 12, 6-9 p.m.

For Fun and for FUNDS! How about a “Supreme” performance by County Council Women Cheryl Munson, Shelli Yoder, Lee Jones?   Have you ever heard a mayoral candidate sing for their supper? Do you know what talent lurks in the chairs of the city council members?

This is most likely the first ever political Karaoke contest with your favorite candidates singing their way into your heart!  Be prepared to cheer on your favorite candidate and VOTE for the best performance! WINNER WILL TAKE HOME A COOL TROPHY! 

Tickets will be available for $10 at the door, online at our website, or from a DWC steering committee member. Your $10 donation gets you 10 free chits to use to vote for your favorite performer.
(Additional chits will be available at the event for purchase at $1.00 each.)
AND, unlike a real election, you can vote more than once!
Come out, have fun, have dinner from the Pub’s menu, listen to some ~interesting~ performances, and support candidates!!  If you want to sing, please email Amanda Barge at [email protected]

Featured Singers who have signed up to date:
Allison Chopra
Dorothy Granger
Philippa Guthrie
John Hamilton
Darryl Neher
Regina and Don Moore
Democratic Party Chair Mark Fraley
That “Supreme” Girl’s Group mentioned above!
And remember: Singing releases endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in the brain!! It’s good for you!

Endorsements Bring Funds (Our Endorsements)
Endorsed Candidates Need Your Help!
DFMC Meeting and Endorsements
Panel Discussion - McCutcheon v. FEC case
One Dollar One Vote: Will Democracy Survive Citizens United?
MCDP Forum for Primary Candidates 
Help Continue the Work of the DWC


Endorsements bring funds (Our endorsements)

The 2015 DWC Endorsement Committee consisted of Charlotte Zietlow, Carolyn VandeWiele, Vicky Sorensen, Sarah Ryterbrand, Jonna Capio, Hannah Miller and Amy Swain. This list includes four steering committee members and three members at large.

The Process: All women candidates who filed to run as Democrats were contacted by the committee.  Some candidates who did not have opponents in the primary process declined to participate in the endorsement process at this time.  All were sent a list of questions to answer.
In addition to an application for endorsement, candidates were asked to provide certain documentation relating to skills and experience relating to the office for which they are running.

Committee members then vetted and interviewed each candidate in person.  For full details, go to the DWC website and review the Endorsement Policy.

Recommendations were based on the committee's findings.  The final vote was taken by the DWC general membership in person or by email on March 6.  All five of the candidates seeking endorsement reached the 2/3 threshold of voters to receive endorsement.

The final part of this process included funding.  The steering committee considered many things in awarding funding this year, including the dynamics of the particular race, opponents of the candidate,  size of districts, the requests from the candidate.

Profiles for each of our five 2015 endorsed candidates is now available on the DWC website here.


You actually can make quite a difference in this campaign, advocating for these women candidates, talking about them in your book clubs, with your family and friends and neighbors.  Their individual contact information can be found at the link above.

In the meantime, here are some specific requests for help!


McDoel Neighborhood "Meet the Candidate"

Please join us for an evening of wine, cheese, and conversation with City Council candidate Isabel Piedmont-Smith! This house party will take place Tuesday, April 7, from 7-9 pm at the home of Betsy Williamson and Sara Gardner, 910 S. Rogers St. Parking is available on nearby Dodds and Dixie Streets. We hope to see you there!

Pancakes for Piedmont-Smith
Saturday, April 11, 10 a.m.-Noon at the home of Rosemary and Dave Hart, 1422 E. Elliston Drive


Philippa requests people willing to help her campaign make "Get out the Vote" phone calls.  She hopes to start calls next week or the week after.  Anyone willing to canvass would also be very welcome.  Email [email protected].


Dorothy is looking for a few good volunteers to walk with her Saturday March 11, between the hours of 4 - 6 p.m.  If you know someone living in District 2 who would like to host a yard sign, please give Dorothy a call at 734-726-4384


DFMC meeting and endorsements--

Democracy for Monroe County link up is happening on Thursday, April 9 at 6 p.m. at Bobby’s Pub.

Members will be voting on candidates who have applied for endorsement. D4MC encourages members to read the endorsement questionnaire, and then vote at the meeting on Thursday when candidates will be making statements and their endorsement committee will be making a report.


One year ago the Supreme Court issued a ruling in the McCutcheon v. FEC case; it struck down longstanding limits on how much money any one individual can donate to a campaign. While the 2010 Citizens United case allowed corporations to make unlimited campaign expenditures, McCutcheon lifted the aggregate amount one individual can contribute directly to candidates and parties from $123,000 to over $3.6 million.

One Dollar One Vote: Will Democracy Survive Citizens United?
7-9 p.m. Wednesday, April 15
Maurer School of Law, Moot Court Room 123
211 S. Indiana Avenue in Bloomington

Forum for Primary Candidates
Thursday, April 16, 7:00 p.m.
Bloomington City Council Chambers
The Monroe County Democratic Party will host a forum for the public, focusing on the contested council seats. Come join us and hear from your city council candidates regarding a variety of pertinent topics, with time devoted to audience questions.
Prior to the forum at 5:30 p.m., there will be a livestream of the Herald-Times mayoral forum, which will include each of the Republican and Democratic candidates.
Help continue the work of the DWC – ....Join Today!
Dues monies help us fund our endorsed candidates, and allow the DWC to hold trainings, seminars, special events to encourage and hopefully inspire women to become involved in the political process. 
Join any time.  Only $20 for one year’s membership.  Join online here


Do you have news items?

Send your items of interest to us at [email protected].
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.

Democratic Women's Caucus