We're half way through December and nearing the beginning of a new era. It's time. Really. Right Now. Time for each of us to think about how we are best called to serve our country, because our country needs us now more than ever. In fact, the world needs us now more than ever--just consider what mayhem is in store for our planet if the gentleman the President-in-waiting has proposed for head of the EPA is installed. OK. Let's not get all depressed because we're over that and it's not productive. Let's figure out what we do, individually and collectively, to set a course correction. Though it's tempting, we can't hide and hope it all goes away. Just remember--the DWC started small, in our small town, in our (some might say) backwater state, but look what we've accomplished, and think about who knows about us and emulates us now, around the country. So...All you deep thinkers, dreamers and planners out there, send us your ideas for changing course at [email protected]
It's up to us. The world awaits.
Action Item
City of Bloomington Seeks Applicants for New Parking Commission
The Bloomington Office of the City Clerk is now accepting applications to fill positions on the recently-created Parking Commission. Application review will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.
Seven seats are open to Bloomington residents, with varying membership requirements for each seat. Seats are available for residents living within City limits, residents and merchants of the downtown metered zone, residents of a neighborhood parking zone, and a board member or employee of a non-profit organization operating in the downtown metered zone.
To learn more about the Parking Commission or for online applications, go to the online City system for board and commission information known as “OnBoard” at https://bloomington.in.gov/onboard/committees. Information and applications are also available at the City Clerk’s Office in Showers City Hall at 401 N. Morton.
The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women is seeking nominees for the Woman of the Year, Emerging Leader and Lifetime Contribution Awards. The deadline for submission of nominations is January 23, 2017. The awards will be presented during Women’s History Month, March, 2017.
The Woman of the Year Award is presented to a woman who has improved the quality of life for other women through inspiration, community service or professional accomplishments above and/or outside normal job responsibilities. The recipient is also someone who serves as a positive role model for girls and women and has made outstanding contributions to the community. The Lifetime Contribution Award recognizes a woman whose work has significantly advanced the status of women through leadership and service. The Emerging Leader Award acknowledges a woman with a relatively short (less than five years) history of significant achievements and recognizes the potential for future contributions.
Nomination forms are available in the City of Bloomington’s Community and Family Resources Department, City Hall Suite 260 and online at https://bloomington.in.gov/csw, or contact Sue Owens at [email protected]. Nominations should include the name, address, telephone number and email address of the nominee in addition to the reasons why the nominee merits the award and how her community service has benefited women. The nominator also should include his or her name, address, telephone number and email address. Send completed nomination forms by email to [email protected] or by mail to: The Commission on the Status of Women, P.O. Box 100, Bloomington, Ind. 47402
The Emerging Leader Award recipient will be honored at the Women’s Leadership Development event in March, 2017 at City Hall. The Woman of the Year and the Lifetime Contribution Award recipients will be honored at the Women's History Lunch on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at the Convention Center.
Several current terms expire in January 2017. If you reside in the city limits and are interested in contributing to one of the 48 boards and commissions the City relies on for guidance, please consider submitting an application.
To learn more about each board and commission, including mission statements, membership requirements, current membership listings and term lengths, or for online applications, go to the online City system for board and commission information known as “OnBoard” at bloomington.in.gov/onboard, or by clicking on the “OnBoard” button on the City’s home web page at bloomington.in.gov.
All board and commission meetings are free and open to the public. Potential applicants are urged to attend a meeting of their desired board or commission prior to applying. Meeting schedules and locations can be found under the “committee” tab on OnBoard.
Monroe County Seeks Board and Commission Applicants
There are a number of appointments for Monroe County Boards and Commissions that are up for renewal (December / January).
http://www.co.monroe.in.us/tsd/Government/Commissioners/MonroeCountyBoardsandCommissions.aspx Or you may contact Julie Thomas at [email protected] for additional information.
First Monroe County Childhood Conditions (MC3) Summit
Thursday, December 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Convention Center
Building a Thriving Compassionate Community (BTCC) has joined with Youth Services Bureau to present this first summit. BTCC has hosted a number of community events from films to workshops over the past year and a half. It is a part of the HealthyCommunity50, fifty communities from across the nation that were chosen to create a positive health impact on their community. The goal for this project is to see how we can create the conditions that make Monroe County Indiana the best place to be a child.
Explore the childhood conditions in our community and what we can do collectively to improve them. Youth workers, social service and healthcare providers, parents, educators, and community members are encouraged to attend.
The Summit is an opportunity to both prepare ourselves for the work ahead and to share and gain information. Workshops will explore implicit bias; trauma and brain development; primary prevention; advocacy (including a legislative preview and tools for advocating effectively); and policies and practices that help children and families thrive. There will be opportunities for networking and for sharing information and data. Local agencies, organizations and groups doing innovative work in our community will be spotlighted.
The Summit will include facilitators and presenters representing local and regional agencies. The cost for the day, which includes breakfast and lunch, will be $15. Scholarships are available. Registration is now open! Here is the link to register Monroe County Childhood Conditions Summit. Please share widely with your network.Annual New Year's Eve Party!
Saturday, December 31, 2016, 9 PM onward, John Waldron Arts Center
Mayor Hamilton and Dawn Johnsen welcome one and all to their second annual New Year’s Eve Party, at the John Waldron Arts Center in downtown Bloomington. They will be sharing food and drink, remembrances and hopes, and ringing in the New Year with friends. Join them Saturday evening, December 31st, from 9:00pm on!
Women's March on Washington
Saturday, January 21, 2017, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.
Join hundreds of thousands of women in a March on Washington to show our support for women everywhere and highlight issues of sexual assault, workplace discrimination, and women's equality. We need to let the new administration know that we are here, that we are watching and that we will take action!
There is a bus from Bloomington! Use this link, add your city and state.
Join one of these groups!
Women 4 Change on Facebook. This group was formed as a result of frustration and despair with election results. "We have to do something," women in Indiana said. They got together in Indianapolis and vowed to work for positive change in our state. Check out the group, and also check out Sheila Kennedy's statement about her comments at the gathering. https://www.sheilakennedy.net/ Look for the post for December 4th.
Pantsuit Nation - Indiana Chapter Again, on Facebook. For moral support, for stories about what other women in Indiana are doing to keep positive and counter hate, misogyny, racism and other bad behavior in our state. There are some incredible statements there that will inspire you!
Read: Ratf**ked: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America's Democracy by David Daley is recommended by both Sheila Kennedy and Kate Cruikshank as a must read. It covers how the GOP came up with the plan to control the state legislatures that, in turn, controlled the redistricting of congressional and state legislative districts that led to their performance on 11/8/16. And this plan started the day after Barack Obama was elected in 2008. If you'd be interested in meeting with other women to discuss the book, please let us know on our Facebook page, or email[email protected].
SEND a Handwritten Thank You note to Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Clinton
Post Office Box 5256
New York, NY 10185-5256
and last, but NOT least:
Join the DWC in 2017. It's important to stay organized and energized! Renew your membership today!
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership!
Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here: https://democraticwomenscaucus.nationbuilder.com/membership
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus