Monday Morning News Dec. 1, 2014

Our monthly breakfast meeting is this Friday, Dec. 5 at 7:30-8:30 am at the Village Deli on Kirkwood Avenue. There has been a change in the program: We will hear from women department heads for the City of Bloomington about their plans for city programs in 2015 (see below). We will also meet the individuals running for election or re-election to the DWC Steering Committee. Stay tuned for a special edition newsletter soon with information about the candidates and how to vote.

In this issue: 
December Breakfast Program
Open House Session for Potential Candidates 
Time to Renew your DWC Membership
Action Item: Tell to Stop Abusing Its Warehouse Workers

December Breakfast Program: "The Women of City Hall"

Eleven years ago, just before the DWC was formed, there were only two women who headed a department within city hall. Today that number has more than doubled!  Joining us for breakfast on Friday, December 5, will be several of these strong women department heads. Each of these women will talk about how they got to their present position -- some with extensive governmental work, and some recruited from the private sector to serve in the Kruzan administration. They'll give us a preview of the plans for each of their departments for 2015, as well as an idea of how their departments and boards and commissions they are responsible for interact with the mayor and City Council. You'll be surprised at the number of programs and services that these departments offer to the residents of Bloomington.
The following individuals will talk to us Friday:
  • Beverly Calendar-Anderson, current Safe and Civil City Director and named to be the Director of the Community and Family Resources Department in January
  • Danise Alano-Martin, Director of the Department of Economic and Sustainable Development
  • Susie Johnson, Director of Public Works
We have also invited the following, and we hope they can attend:
  • Lisa Abbott, Director of Housing and Neighborhood Development
  • Doris Sims, Director of Human Resources
  • Margie Rice, Corporation Counsel 

Open House Session for Potential Candidates

The DWC is hosting the first of two open houses for potential 2015 and 2016 candidates and their prospective campaign leaders on Sunday, December 7th, 1:00-3:00pm at Democratic Headquarters. Women who think they might possibly run for office can learn more about the process, receive encouragement and early support, and ask questions of experienced, progressive Democratic women. The mayor's office and the clerk's office are up for grabs this year, and who knows whether all the City Council incumbents will run again. So please consider a run for city government! The location of the open house is MCDP Headquarters, 335 S College Ave, Bloomington. Snacks will be provided. If you plan to attend, please let us know by emailing [email protected]. We hope to see you there!

A second session will be held Thursday, January 16th, 6:00-8:00pm at the same location.

Time to Renew Your DWC Membership!

It is time to renew your membership in the Democratic Women's Caucus for 2015. If you agree with our mission to fund, inspire, recruit, support, and train pro-choice, progressive Democratic women to run for office, then please join us, or renew your membership by completing the membership form here and sending it with a check for $20 to DWC PAC, PO Box 2373, Bloomington, IN 47402. Or bring the form and check to our next meeting. Soon we will also have an online payment option. Thank you!

Action Item: Tell to Stop Abusing Its Warehouse Workers


Kivin Varghese writes: I was an Amazon employee, but now I’m sitting outside its Seattle headquarters to protest the cruel way it abuses its workers and the environment. Employees talk to me as they head into work, and their stories are downright disturbing. That’s why I started a hunger strike Nov. 25 and will go as long as it takes -- we need to spread the word about this corporate giant’s dark side.

Will you stand with my protest and sign my petition today? Let CEO Jeff Bezos know that he needs to stop abusing his workers or you’ll consider taking your business elsewhere this holiday season!

I was fired in 2012 for reporting an ethics violation. After my lawsuit made headlines, I started hearing from Amazon warehouse and call-center employees across the country who told me about inhumane, sweatshop-like conditions.

The corporation doesn’t pay its workers for all the time they work, keeps ambulances on hand to treat heatstroke instead of improving conditions, and tracks every step workers take using personal GPS-type devices. On top of all that, the wages are so low that Indiana employees have to live in homeless shelters! 

Please help by signing the petition today!