Breakfast news for those of you who missed it.....
100+ People were present for Friday's Breakfast meeting at the Village Deli! We used every available chair, standing room and the overflow in the little room behind the main dining room! Clearly women are motivated, fired up and ready to go! Picture below taken early in the program -- before people were standing in every empty space!
Teri Kleine, Teri Bleuel and Nancy Hutchens clarified information about the Affordable Care Act, and what we will lose if the act is repealed and not replaced. We will send their handouts out in a separate newsletter later this week for you to have and use.
They related their experiences visiting offices, and offered to take groups to Indy to support the ACA. If you'd like to go in a group to visit Senator Donnelly's office in Indy about defending the Affordable Care Act (and Senator Young, if time permits) please email your name, contact number and days of the week and times you are available to go to: [email protected].
**FLASH!!** First visit is scheduled Friday, Feb 10th leaving Bloomington at 10:00 am! Email Teri for details!
Get Involved!!
The DWC Steering Committee is the group that organizes and manages the business of the DWC. We manage much of our business through goal groups or committees, and we welcome help from the membership to bring fresh ideas and hands to the work of running our operation.
• Program Committee - Planning meetings and programs, outreach to build membership; inform current members; education; notification
• Fundraising and Events - track goals, inspire attendees to donate; analyze and expand efforts; plan social events (movie nights, etc.)
• Communications (Monday Morning News, website, Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc) - outreach to build membership; inform current members; education; notification
• Training - prepare candidates as well as workers to help candidates and causes
• Membership - outreach, goals, retention, renewals
To get involved, go to the DWC website at or email [email protected] and let us know what goals you want to work towards. If you have special skills, please note that as well. We'd love to have you working with us!!
And don't forget to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter!
Action Item
Top of the list this week: Drawing Legislative District Lines fairly!!
Citizens Lobby Day for Redistricting Reform, Feb. 8
Learn the information you need to be effective advocates for redistricting reform
Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Time: 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Indiana State Library, 315 W. Ohio St., Room 211 Indianapolis, IN 46204
From 10:30am - 1pm there will be trainings on how to be a citizen lobbyist and provide you with up-to-date information on HB1014 and give you talking points to help with your discussions with lawmakers. After lunch (Common Cause will provide lunch!), we’ll walk across the street to the State House. We'll lobby representatives from 1:30 - 3pm and then attend the 3:30pm House Elections Committee hearing on HB1014.
HB 1014 will receive a hearing on February 8th at 3:30 p.m. in Room 156 A of the Statehouse.
This bill is our best chance at meaningful reform aimed to end partisian gerrymandering. We need support now more than ever: there is strength in numbers! Please join us at the hearing!
If you want to attend the training, we ask that you RSVP to Julia Vaugh at Common Cause by e-mailing [email protected]
Make A Valentine for Reproductive Justice this week!
Yarns Unlimited (YU) is a host site for writing a Valentine’s message to legislators. Your cards will be hand delivered to the Statehouse on February 14th as part of the Indiana Reproductive Justice Coalition’s (IRJC) Valentine Action for the 2017 Legislative session.
Cards and craft supplies (limited) to embellish your Valentines available. Please consider donating stickers, markers, crayons…
YU’s backroom will be open to you on:
• Tuesday, February 7th (11am-8pm)
• Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (11am-6pm).
• No space on Saturday, BUT do pick up or drop off Valentines (10am-5pm).
Information on bills that support Hoosiers and those that undermine reproductive justice will be available as well as action steps you can take.
The Pussyhat Project Update!
People are still wanting these pink hats! And Deborah Meador and Yarns Unlimited are still getting requests for them in exchange for a donation to Planned Parenthood. If you can knit a hat, crochet a hat or make some pink fleece hats, please do, and drop them off at Yarns Unlimited on Walnut Street by Friday. They'll be taken to the Rally for Reproductive Justice on Saturday (see events, below). Minimum donations are $20 for yarn hats, $10 for fleece. So far over $2000 has been raised for Planned Parenthood.
League Of Women Voters Legislative Update:
Well, only the three legislators that actually live in Monroe County were in attendance at the Saturday update session. Three out of seven. So 42% of your legislators are really interested in hearing what you want to know about activities at the statehouse.
View the 2/4/17 LWV Legislative Update at the MCPL site at this link:
League of Women Voters Teaching Session on Monitoring Legislation
TODAY, Monday, Feb 6, 7 pm, Monroe County Public Library Auditorium.
LWV President Kate Cruikshank will make sure you can track a bill in the statehouse, and use the information to determine just when and how to be most effective in contacting Indiana State Legislators. Kate talked about this when she spoke at our recent breakfast meetings... and she put together this program, in part, in response to our eagerness to access this information. The event is hosted by Building A Thriving Compassionate Community
MCCSC Community Conversation: Legislative Briefing
Tuesday, Februrary 7,
553 E. Miller Drive
Join MCCSC for its first community conversation of the year. MCCSC will be discussing what to expect from the 2017 legislative agenda. There are numerous education bills. Learn what they are and how they will affect your community.
Master of Ceremony is MCCSC Board of School Trustee Member, Mr. Keith Klien. Panelists are: Representative Matt Pierce - Indiana House of Representatives, 61st District, Senator Mark Stoops - Indiana Senate, 40th District, Dr. Brian Smith - Executive Director of the Indiana School Board Association, Dr. Terrence Mason - Dean, Indiana University School of Education, Ms. Sandy Steele - Indiana State Teachers Association, Uniserv Director Area 18, Mr Paul Farmer - President of the Monroe County Education Association, Mr. Tim Thrasher - Director of Business Operations at MCCSC, Ms Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer - Monroe County Chair, Indiana Coalition for Public Education
Hoosiers for a Commonsense Health Plan
Wednesday, February 8 at 5:30PM, at St. Mark's United Methodist Church,100 N. State Rd. 46 Bypass, Bloomington, Room 8.
Kathy Byers will be speaking.
Black Her-Story Month Program
Madam C.J. Walker and Friends
Wednesday, February 8, 6 pm, Monroe County History Center, 202 E. 6th Street
Madam C. J. Walker, was an African American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a political and social activist. She was also the first African American female self-made millionaire, earning her fortune from the invention and sale of hair care products specially formulated for African American women. Her factory was built in Indianapolis in 1910. Joining Madam Walker in this performance will be Albion Fellows Bacon, a social reformer from Evansville. This will be a performance starring Leah McRath, Amy Roche, and Liz Mitchell. Written by Dr. Glady DeVane and Danielle Bruce. Directed by Danielle Bruce
Building a Thriving Compassionate Community
Thursday, Feb 9 at 10am – Noon at City Hall Council Chambers
Meeting will explore the City of Bloomington’s Comprehensive Master Plan ( and critically examine the ways in which these goals and policies could affect individuals and our community as a whole. Personnel from the City’s Planning Department, will attend to provide a chance to pose questions and concerns directly. More information:
All-Options Pregnancy Center Training hosted by the Unitarian Reproductive Justice Task Force
Saturday February 11 9 am - 12:30 - Unitarian Universalist Church
This FREE workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about reproductive justice, how to read a bill, get hands on training for speaking to your legislators, and be part of a Valentine's-themed action to let your legislators know your thoughts on upcoming reproductive health legislation.
NOTE: You must register for this workshop in order to attend. Please fill out this form to secure your spot
Facilitated by All-Options PRC & PP Advocates of IN and KY
Got questions? Contact us at [email protected]
Rally For Womens’ Reproductive Choice sponsored by NOW
Saturday February 11 3:00 - 5:00pm - City Hall
On February 11, an anti-choice group is sponsoring "Defund Planned Parenthood" rallies at Planned Parenthood locations throughout the United States to call on Congress and "45" to strip Planned Parenthood of all federal funding.
The newly formed Monroe County chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) is rallying at City Hall (Shower's Plaza) to display support for Planned Parenthood and ALL the good work they do. **WEAR YOUR PUSSYHATS**
Scheduled speakers will include Dawn Johnsen, former Legal Director for NARAL and current Professor of Law at the Maurer School of Law, IU
CALL OUT FOR TESTIMONIALS: NOW is seeking women and men who would like to share how Planned Parenthood has positively affected their lives. If you would like to tell your story (or have someone else tell your story on your behalf), please fill out our Testimonial Form:
CALL to ACTION! Check-In Gathering
Sunday, February 12, 2 pm at First United Church, 2023 E. 3rd Street
Come gather with other Call To Action members to check-in with each other, celebrate successes, tackle challenges, share the hard stuff, and get clear on next steps. After almost two months, this group will refine their action items and keep each other going strong. Bring a snack to share.Beverages will be available.
Love Songs For A Lasting World - A Benefit for Middle Way House
Monday February 13, 7:00 - 9:00pm - Buskirk Chumley Theatre
Music for all hearts… full, lonely, or broken - with Malcolm Dalglish, The Oolites & Friends. Settings of love poems, light verse, dance, romance, humor, a bonfire & pie.
More information here. Tickets available at the Buskirk Chumley Theater Box Office.
Indiana Reproductive Justice Valentine Delivery:Saturday, February 14, 11am – 1pm -
Indiana State House 200 W. Washington St. Indianapolis
Join the Indiana Reproductive Justice Coalition as we deliver Hoosier's handmade valentines to our state lawmakers. Want to host a party to help folks make valentines and inform them of the status of legislation in our state? Contact a coalition group member!
See note in announcements section for making Valentines for legislators!
Being Bloomington: Being Together: An Hour of Quiet Reflection For All
Wednesday, February 15 from 12 noon – 1:00 p.m. - Buskirk Chumley Theater
Five inspired women came together to create a safe space for all people and a place for people to come together in self-reflection, prayer, and/or meditation in a space that is secular but that promotes a coming together of all people in order to heal the divide that not only exists in the world and our country, but also in Bloomington.
For more information about Being, Bloomington: Being Together, contact Nancy Kalina at [email protected].
Democratic Party Chair Chat Forum:
Saturday, February 18 at 10:30 a.m. in the Bloomington Council Chambers, 401 N. Morton
Another opportunity to share your ideas on the direction of the Democratic Party is to attend the chair chat forum with our state Party chair, John Zody.
Elections for Monroe County Democratic Party Offices
March 4, 10:00, Monroe County Courthouse.
The call to caucus has been sent: All Party offices, including Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer will be filled by Democratic precinct chairs and vice chairs at a caucus March 4 at 10 a.m. at the Nat U. Hill room in the County Courthouse. If you have any questions or are interested in running for any of these positions, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
Pick ONE thing from the above list to attend this week. Or call your legislator! Let the members of the DWC know what you did by posting on Facebook.... not to brag, but to share, inspire, and become in solidarity with similar minds!
Join the DWC in 2017. It's important to stay organized and energized! Renew your membership today.
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here:
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus