Endorsed Candidates need your help
All five candidates who applied received endorsement by the DWC based on email and in-person votes.
There are many ways to help a candidate's campaign:
-Like her Facebook page -Place yard signs
-Help with events; participate in parades -Campaign door to door
-Make calls to garner votes for a candidate -Take photos
-Utilize your digital media expertise -Register new voters
-Offer your creative design skills
Visit your candidate's website, and contact them to find out what they need.
Endorsed Candidates websites
Allison Chopra Philippa Guthrie
Nicole Bolden Dorothy Granger
Isabel Piedmont Smith
Many thanks for the dedication and volunteered hours of the Endorsement Committee members: Charlotte Zietlow, Vicky Sorensen, Carolyn VandeWiele, Amy Swain, Jonna Capio, Sarah Ryterbrand and Hannah Miller.
Piedmont-Smith Campaign needs your help
Senate Bill 379 & Transit Day at the Statehouse
Rural Zoning Ordinance Meeting
Upcoming Events of Interest
Facebook? MMN? Join!
Action Item
Piedmont-Smith Campaign needs your help
Isabel Piedmont-Smith's campaign for City Council District 5 (www.piedmontsmith.us) needs your help to reach voters! Seeking volunteers for door-to-door shifts, and since it's warming up out there, it's been a lot of fun so far. Also seeking venues for house parties as "fundraisers" or "friendraisers." Please contact [email protected]. Also, like Isabel on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter!
https://www.facebook.com/piedmontsmith Twitter: @piedmontsmith
Senate Bill 379 on Public Transportation
"Allows the legislative body of Monroe County and the Bloomington public transportation corporation to expand the corporation's service area to include the entire county by adopting substantially identical ordinances. Allows the fiscal body of Monroe County to adopt an ordinance to impose a county economic development income tax rate to fund the expansion. Provides that the rate must be at least 0.1% but not more than 0.25%."
Indiana Citizen’s Alliance for Transit (ICAT) invites everyone to join them for Transit Day at the Statehouse on Tuesday, March 10. For more details, and to register, visit http://www.indianacat.org/transit-day/
Rural Zoning Ordinance Meeting: Please attend or send comments
Public comment will be taken on the Rural Zoning Ordinance at a special meeting on Friday, March 13th at 9:00 am at the Nat U Hill room in the Courthouse.
With limited tax revenues, Monroe County government cannot provide "urban" services and infrastructure (snow plow coverage, intersection upgrades, etc.) to support the creation of large subdivisions in rural areas away from the urbanizing area (the area surrounding the city). It's important to note that all current zoning remains in place and all current business zones remain in place.
The Urbanizing area will be the focus for future development, as infrastructure is already in place or its expansion is more cost effective. A copy of the ordinance can be found here:
If you cannot attend the meeting, comments may be sent to the commissioners at:
Iris Kiesling: [email protected]
Patrick Stoffers: [email protected]
Julie Thomas: [email protected]
Questions? Contact Julie at [email protected] or at 812-345-0707.
March 10 Democratic Club hosts two mayoral candidates: John Hamilton and Darryl Neher. So that they can plan for food, if you want lunch ($8), please RSVP to Marcia Harlow at [email protected]
March 13, March 14 The Indiana Federation of Democratic Women will hold their Spring Conference in conjunction with the National Federation of Democratic Women. For more information: www.ifdw.org
March 25 Women's History Month Lunch, 11:30 am, Convention Center. Tickets are $20 and are on sale now. They are available in the Community and Family Resources Department at City Hall. For more information about the Lunch or the Commission on the Status of Women, please contact Sue Owens at 812.349.3468 or [email protected].
March 26 Monroe County Public Library Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. "MCCSC Referendum: A Look Back and A Look Forward." This is a public General League meeting with MCCSC Superintendent Judy Demuth and Director of Business Operation Tim Thrasher.
April 2 FDR Gala, hosted by Monroe County Democratic Party, is a fundraiser to support the party organization, as it works on behalf of candidates and office holders, and in the pursuit of advancing Democratic ideals and good governance at all levels. For more details, [email protected]
Like us on Facebook? Receive the MMN?
Join any time. Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here.
Facebook, the website and MMN are done by members volunteering their time. Dues monies help us fund our endorsed candidates, and allow the DWC to hold trainings, seminars, special events to encourage and hopefully inspire women to become involved in the political process.
Action Item!
Sen. Richard Burr, Sen. Orrin Hatch, and Rep. Fred Upton recently unveiled their replacement for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Their proposal, the “Patient CARE Act,” eliminates the ACA’s historic expansions of coverage for maternity care and birth control. It also strips away protections designed to end decades of gender-biased pricing in the insurance industry.
Click here to join CREDO and Daily Kos in defending women against attacks on health care coverage.
Do you have news items?
Send your items of interest to us at [email protected].
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Democratic Women's Caucus