Like everyone else the DWC is under lockdown, our regular meeting place is closed to inside diners and our members are social distancing and taking care of themselves and our community. There will not be a monthly breakfast in April... we hope to be back in business by May but given that the peak is not supposed to hit Indiana until middle to late April there are no guarantees. But the election is still going on, so in the meantime, please stay connected via social media, check out the MMN each week and we will try to help keep you informed.....
As this issue of the Monday Morning News was going to press, the news came in that COVID 19 cases in Monroe County doubled from 8 on Friday to 16 on Saturday to 22 on Sunday. We’re clearly on the upward slope of the curve with no end in sight, distressing news for all of us, but especially for our most medically vulnerable community members, for healthcare providers bracing for the onslaught of patients, for workers who’ve lost their jobs as businesses and restaurants shut down, and for parents struggling to work from home while homeschooling their restless, cooped-up children. If there’s any good news, it’s to be found in the myriad of ways, small and large, that people have found to help: creating and supplying an isolation shelter, sewing face masks, delivering food, even putting teddy bears in their windows for a children’s “bear hunt.” Let’s continue to look for ways to serve our fellow Hoosiers (see Action Items). And if you can, get outside and enjoy the lovely spring: go for a walk or hike, work in the garden, plant the seeds that will be August’s tomatoes. And let’s get ready to come out of the lockdown with sleeves rolled up and ready to work for Dems up and down the ballot!
Updated Primary and Campaign Finance Reports Calendar
Candidate News & Events
Political Trainings
Events of Interest to our Membership
Action Items
Are you creative, skilled at writing, a social media expert?? - THE DWC NEEDS YOU!! We trust you like our communications and rely on them to help keep you informed of political happenings and DWC operations. Those communications are not magically self-generating-they are an essential function of the DWC and we have a small crew of creative women who make it happen. We are looking for women to join that team and help create the Monday Morning News and our Social Media messages. It is not time consuming, and it is not difficult. Plus, for those of us who like to write and craft messages, it is actually fun! If anyone reading this newsletter has a few scant hours a month to help us out, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]
Friday, May 8, 2020
End of pre-primary campaign finance reporting period.
Friday, May 15, 2020
DEADLINE, by noon, for filing pre-primary campaign finance reports for primary candidates.
UPDATED INDIANA PRIMARY CALENDAR - deadlines have been extended with the change in the Primary Date to 6/2/2020
Be aware that these dates are still subject to change. Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic we do not know what the final status of Absentee-in-person, Absentee-by-Travel Board and On-site Primary Voting will be. The Indiana Election Commission will meet again on April 22 and there may be more information at that time. The Monroe County Election Office is likely to remain closed until the governor’s stay in place order is lifted.
For this Primary only, the Indiana Election Commission has waived requirements for Absentee-By-Mail voting. Therefore all registered Indiana voters can vote by mail in the primary. You can download an application to receive an absentee-by-mail ballot at Scroll down to ABS-MAIL: Application for Absentee Ballot by Mail Only in 2020 to download an application. The deadline for the Election Office to receive your application is May 21, 2020 (see notes below).
Monday, May 4, 2020
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
First day a voter may vote an absentee ballot in the office of the circuit court clerk or satellite office.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
First day a confined voter, a voter caring for a confined person at a private residence, or a voter with disabilities may vote an absentee ballot before an absentee voter board at the voter’s residence or place of confinement.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
DEADLINE, by 11:59 pm, for the circuit court clerk to receive an absentee ballot application from an applicant requesting delivery of an absentee ballot by mail.Applications may be submitted to the circuit court clerk in person or by mail, fax or email. (Note: mailed applications must be delivered in the mail by 5/21 and for in person delivery the Election Office closes at 4PM)
Monday, June 1, 2020
DEADLINE, by noon, for circuit court clerks to receive absentee ballot applications from confined voters or voters caring for a confined person requesting delivery of a ballot by an absentee voter board.
DEADLINE, by noon, for a circuit court clerk to receive absentee ballot applications from military/overseas voters requesting to vote by email or fax.
DEADLINE, by noon, for a voter to vote an absentee ballot in person at the office of the circuit court clerk or satellite office.
DEADLINE for a confined voter, a voter caring for a confined person, or a voter with disabilities to vote an absentee ballot before an absentee voter board at the voter’s place of confinement.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Polls are open 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., prevailing local time.
Volunteer for Cheryl Munson: Who knew that County Council would be such a hot race this year? Cheryl is running for re-election to an At-Large seat in a crowded primary. If you are willing to walk for Cheryl, meet potential voters and help her campaign, please send a message to [email protected]. A sign-up sheet will also be at Friday's breakfast meeting. More info about Cheryl's Council accomplishments and future goals WWW.CHERYLMUNSON.US
Volunteering for Shelli Yoder: If you are interested in volunteering to help get Shelli to the State House, please join our team by emailing Ashley Pirani at [email protected]. There are several ways for you to get involved. Some of those opportunities include canvassing, helping to write postcards, and hosting a meet and greet. They'd love to have you join them!
Note: The DWC’s mission is to recruit, fund and support pro-choice, progressive women candidates in Monroe County. For more information about candidates, candidate events and other political information that does not fall within this mission, check out, among others, the Monroe County Democratic Party Website, The Indiana Democratic Party Website and the Indiana Secretary of State's Election Division. If you don't currently get the Monroe County Democratic Party Dispatch, you can send a note to [email protected] to sign up.
Indiana Democratic Party
A Candidate Tool Box, Precinct Committee Person Handbook, VAN training and links to the Party’s Webinar Training Series can be found at
Emily’s List Webinar Trainings:
ONLINE TRAINING: "Hosting Virtual Events"
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 4:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. EST
How to run successful online events that engage your supporters and raise money
Register here:
ONLINE TRAINING: "Texting Tactics"
Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 4:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. EST
How to set up and strategize your peer to peer texting program — an important digital tool for successful voter contact
Register here:
ONLINE TRAINING: "Digital Fundraising Fundamentals"
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 3:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. EST
Key digital fundraising tips to grow your grassroots donor base
Register here:
National Democratic Training Committee Webinars
The NDTC has and extensive list of webinars and courses in political management, messaging and communication, fundraising, and running for office. Check out their list of courses at
The Shalom Center needs volunteers for the following shifts on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The primary duties include helping in the kitchen, hospitality, and sorting and distributing mail and supplies. The shifts are:
2 volunteers, kitchen (breakfast): 7:30am-9:30am
2 volunteers, kitchen (prepare lunch): 9:30am-11:30am
4 volunteers, kitchen (lunch): 11:30am-2:00pm
4 volunteers, hospitality, distribute mail/supplies: 12pm-2pm
Please contact [email protected] if you are able to volunteer for these shifts.
The Monroe County Election Division is looking for democratic poll workers to work as Inspectors, Judges and Clerks.
To work the polls in Monroe County, you must:
• Be a registered voter of Monroe County.
• Attend training, provided by the Election Board.
• Have access to transportation.
You will be paid for training, working at the polls and a $25 food allowance.
Interested: call 812-349-2690 or Email: [email protected]
More information can be found at:
Upcoming National Caucuses & Primaries: (note: this is an ever changing list)
March 29: Puerto Rico Democratic primary postponed to April 26
March 31: Massachusetts special elections moved to May 19 and June 2
April 4: Hawaii Democratic primaries (mail only) and Wyoming Democratic caucuses. (mail only)
Alaska primary cancelled (vote-by-mail extended to April 10)
The Louisiana Primary has been postponed to June 20
April 7: Wisconsin primary (suit has been filed to move to June 2)
April 26: Puerto Rico Democratic primary
April 28: New York & Ohio Primaries; Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania & Rhode Island Primaries postponed to June 2,
May 2: Guam Democratic caucuses and Kansas Democratic primary
May 5: Indiana primary postponed until June 2
May 12: Nebraska and West Virginia primaries; California Special Election (primarily by mail)
May 19: Georgia and Oregon primaries, Kentucky postponed to June 23
June 2: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Indiana, Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island & South Dakota
June 6: Virgin Island Democratic caucus
June 9: Nevada Primary but will be primarily by mail
June 20: Louisiana primaries
June 23: Kentucky primaries
July 14: Alabama Primary runoff, Texas Primary runoff elections
The Indiana Democratic Convention is slated for Saturday, June 13 in Indianapolis
The National Democratic Convention is slated for July 13-16 in Milwaukee.
The Indiana Democratic Party wants to hear from you! The IDP is seeking your input on their 2020 State Democratic Platform and has already held three hearings around the state to learn what issues are important to Democratic voters. There is one remaining Platform Hearing, on March 14 in Fort Wayne, and it is free and open to the public.
If you are unable to attend but would still like to participate, you can submit an online input form here. If you'd like to review the 2018 State Party Platform, click here. The open comment period will close on April 3, 2020 and a final draft of the Platform will be presented to delegates for approval at the 2020 State Convention on June 13th.
contact the Monroe County Democratic Party at [email protected]
BOARD AND COMMISSION OPENINGS: A great way to get involved and learn about how government works in Monroe County and Bloomington and to make a difference in your community:
For information City Commissions that have vacancies at this time, contact the office of the City Clerk or check to see the nature of the board or commission, recent minutes and actions, and how that particular vacancy is filled.
The Monroe County Board of Commissioners invites you to apply to serve on a Board or Commission! There are immediate openings on a number of these bodies, including: Animal Management, Environmental Commission, and the Human Rights Commission. For information on each of them, see The application is available in a tab at the right side of the boards page. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Thomas ([email protected]).
In this time of uncertainty, check prior to leaving for any meeting...
Through December 31, 2020
VOTES FOR WOMEN: The Women’s Suffrage Movement in Monroe County
Monroe County History Center, 202 E. 6th St., Bloomington
Commemorating the centennial of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution granting women the right to vote with a year-long exhibition in the Deckard Education Room. Featuring Monroe County women involved in the struggle for suffrage in the context of the State and National suffrage movements based on the research of Hilary Fleck and supported by the May Wright Sewall Fellowship from Indiana Humanities. Sponsored by The Indiana Women’s Suffrage Centennial, the Monroe County Bicentennial, the City of Bloomington, and Monroe County NOW
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 5:00pm to 7:00pm - POSTPONED
Wine Reception Fundraiser for Karen Tallian for Attorney General
Grazie Italiano
She will be a wonderful standard bearer for Indiana Democrats, and she will make a great Attorney General!
Hosted by: Linda Lawson, Vi Simpson, Charlotte Zietlow, Penny Githens, Rick Bond, Trish Witcomb, Nicole Bolden, Katherine Liell, Dee Owens, and Carolyn VandeWiele.
You can make an online donation to Karen Talian’s campaign here:
Saturday, April 4, 2020, 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Sue Sgambelluri First Saturdays Constituent Meeting
Join the Online Zoom Meeting:
This Month’s Discussion: How everyone is doing during these challenging days, the City’s response to COVID-19, and the road conversion in Lower Cascades. Bring your ideas, questions, and comments.
1. Stay abreast of the details for the upcoming Indiana Primary - we will try to keep you updated as information comes in. Download your application to vote by mail and get it ready to send in when the Election Office reopens. It's very important that all of us vote. Support our endorsed candidates as they negotiate an unprecedented primary session.
2. Thank a first responder, medical practitioner, vaccine creator, news person, store clerk, garbage collector, janitor, school teacher, parent homeschooling their children, worker working from home, social worker, food preparer, and everyone else.... for their service.
3. Watch for ways that you can support community members in need of assistance during the pandemic. See the special "COVID- 19" edition of "The Dispatch" for a listing of volunteer opportunities and resources.
4. The coronavirus has laid bare deep structural inequalities in American society — differential access to health care, transportation, shelter, food, and education — that many Americans found easy to overlook in our “normal,” pre-pandemic existence. Check out the forthcoming book by New York Times economic reporter Eduardo Porter, American Poison. Porter's contention is that "the reason behind America’s decision to let so many people keep sinking is because the people who are sinking are often black and brown.... If the safety net had to be shared with people of color, many white Americans decided they would rather not have one at all."
5. Watch for your census form - fill it out - send it back or file it online!
6. Get involved with the DWC - there are ways you can contribute beyond your membership support... Our most urgent need is for help with our Social Media: we are looking for women to help us maintain and keep our social media pages up to date and to contribute to writing and/or editing the Monday Morning News. A couple of our long time writers will be unavailable after this spring. This doesn’t necessarily require a major time commitment. If you’re interested please email us at [email protected]
7. Renew your membership in the DWC for 2020 (see below)
Todd Young:
(202) 224-5623
Mike Braun
(202) 224-4814
(317) 822-8240
Trey Hollingsworth
(202) 225-5315 (U.S. House) or (812) 288-3999 (Jeffersonville Office)
BECOME A DWC MEMBER or RENEW your membership!
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership.
Join online here:
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus