A hearty congratulations to DWC candidate Sue Sgambelluri on winning her race for City Council District 2!!! Sue worked incredibly hard and ran a great race against an organized and well-funded Republican opponent. Thanks to all of our DWC members who provided Sue with their time and advice. And now on to the work of electing DWC members to our Steering Committee in December, and then to the elections in 2020.
Voting Information for the 2019 Municipal Election
Action Items
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 6:00 - 8:00pm
DWC Training: 2020 Offices up for Election,
Monroe County Democratic HQ, 116 S Madison St Suite A. Bloomington
We will take a look at the offices up for election, their requirements, how to file, filing deadlines and what qualifications would be useful to have. How might you be uniquely qualified for a particular office? Questions - contact us at [email protected].
Jillian Kinzie is heading up an ENDORSEMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE with the intent of having a finished document ready for review by the membership so that we can have a finalized process ready prior to the start of the 2020 Election season. If you are interested in contributing to this process please email us at [email protected].
**DWC Steering Committee Membership:
Nominations for the DWC Steering Committee are now open:
December is fast approaching as are elections to the DWC Steering Committee.
The following positions will be up for election:
Vice Chair:
and 5 at-large positions.
The Steering Committee is a working board… we meet on the third Saturday of the month at 10am. If you have questions about serving on the Steering Committee, about duties of the officers and at-large members, would like to nominate yourself or someone else for the Steering Committee, or you are a member who would like to serve on the Nominating Committee to help develop a slate for the December elections, please contact DWC Chair Carolyn VandeWiele at [email protected].
**Are you creative, skilled at writing, a social media expert?? - THE DWC NEEDS YOU!!
We are looking for a few good women to join our Monday Morning News and Social Media Team to help keep our membership informed - if you can help - contact us at [email protected].
Your thoughts are always welcome! We welcome your thoughts on DWC events and issues….Please share your thoughts on this organization as we move forward, in our community and our state. For those brilliant ideas that come in the middle of the night! Email [email protected].
The Monroe County Democratic Party will hold a caucus on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 6:00pm in the Nat U Hill Room of the Monroe County Courthouse. Monroe County Council District 1, Monroe County Party Vice Chair and Monroe County Party Treasurer.
Caucus for Monroe County Council District 1
To be eligible to run for this position, candidates must reside in Monroe County Council District 1. Candidates must file a form CEB-5 with the Party Chair at least 72 hours before the caucus.
Eligible electors for the caucus for Monroe County Council District 1 are only Precinct Chairs representing a precinct in District 1.
Caucuses for MCDP Treasurer and Vice Chair
To be eligible to run for these positions, candidates must reside in Monroe County.
Candidates must email MCDP Secretary Sofia McDowell at [email protected] and state their intention to run at least 72 hours before the caucus.
Eligible electors for these caucuses are all Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs in Monroe County.
Statements from Candidates are available at the Monroe County Dems website at:
Any questions about the caucus can be addressed to Jennifer Crossley at [email protected] or 219-805-1311.
Thank you in advance for this important service to both community and party.
Please contact Kaisa at [email protected] to sign up for a shift (or two) or if you have any questions. Ongoing Tabling at the Farmers Market Saturday mornings
BOARD AND COMMISSION OPENINGS: A great way to get involved and learn about how government works in Monroe County and Bloomington and to make a difference in your community:
The office of the City Clerk announces a vacant position on the Bloomington Commission on Sustainability. This position is available for city residents 18 years of age or older. The BCOS promotes economic development, environmental health, and social equity in the community for present and future generations. The commission gathers and disseminates information, promotes practical initiatives, and measures, monitors, and reports on the community’s progress towards sustainability.
For information on this position, or other commissions that have vacancies at this time, contact the office of the City Clerk or check to see the nature of the board or commission, recent minutes and actions, and how that particular vacancy is filled.
The Monroe County Board of Commissioners invites you to apply to serve on a Board or Commission! There are immediate openings on a number of these bodies, including: Animal Management, Environmental Commission, and the Human Rights Commission. For information on each of them, see The application is available here: If you have any questions, please contact Julie Thomas ([email protected]).
Monday, November 11, 2019 7:45am - 9:00am
UDO Housing4All / Golden Bicycle Bloomington Planning Meeting
Democracy Lab Big Room, 116 S. Madison
The Housing4All coalition needs your help to advocate for more equitable, affordable, and sustainable housing options for all in Bloomington. We need a strong show of support at the City Council meeting on Wednesday, November 13, where people can make public comment on the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).
Housing4All will host an organizing meeting to discuss housing talking points and answer any questions. This will also be an opportunity to draft your public comment and an email to council members. Our housing policy can help address racial and economic injustices and ensure Bloomington is a more welcoming place for all. It is also one of our biggest tools to fight climate change locally, as housing options substantially impact energy use, as well as people's ability to walk and bike, and the viability of a better transit system.
Please come join us! For more information check us out on Facebook at
Thursday, November 14, 2019 7:45am - 9:00am
Wake Up! with United Way "Re-Imagining Health Care in Monroe County and Beyond"Federally Qualified Health Center: A Solution to Critical Health Challenges
The Mill, 642 N. Madison St.
Co-hosted by United Way and IU Political and Civic Engagement
Guest Speaker: Nancy Richman, Ph.D.,MPA., Executive Director of Volunteers in Medicine
Cost: $10 This covers the cost of breakfast and remaining proceeds going to United Way of Monroe County
Thursday, November 14, 2019 6:00pm
Caucus For County Council Member District 1, MCPD Vice Chair and Treasurer
Nat U Hill Room, Monroe County Courthouse
See announcements section for the full details
Sunday, November 17, 2019 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Training for Redistricting Reform Advocates
First Friends Church, 3030 Kessler Blvd. East Drive, Indianapolis
The Indiana Coalition for Redistricting Reform (All IN for Democracy) is holding advocacy training Sunday, Nov. 17th from 3 - 5 p.m. at First Friends Church, 3030 Kessler Blvd. East Drive in Indianapolis. Julia Vaughn will cover new redistricting reform talking points, provide some fresh ideas for actions and activities and talk about what is at stake as well as our strategy for the upcoming year.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Vickie Dacey ([email protected]). If you are not able to attend in person, the training will be webcast over Zoom. The link will be distributed a couple of days before the event, so sign up with Vickie if you would like to receive it.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 6:00 - 8:00pm
DWC Training: 2020 Offices up for Election,
Monroe County Democratic HQ, 116 S Madison St Suite A. Bloomington
With the Municipal Elections over it’s time to start concentrating on 2020. We will take a look at the offices up for election, their requirements, how to file, filing deadlines and what qualifications would be useful to have. How might you be uniquely qualified for a particular office? Questions - contact us at [email protected].
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 9:00am-2:00 pm
Red For Ed Action Day
Indiana State House, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis
Hosted by Indiana State Teachers Association, The Indiana Student Education Association, IREP (Indiana Rising Education Professionals and Invest in Education IN.
For one day only, legislators are back in session to organize for the upcoming General Assembly. Kids, educators and public schools need to be the top priority. Let's remind lawmakers that we are still here, activated and ready to advocate for our kids, our schools and our future.
To learn more about Red For Ed in Indiana, visit
Event information at:
Wednesday, November 20th, 6:30pm
A Comprehensive Look at Criminal Justice in Monroe County
Unitarian Universalist Church, 2120 N Fee
The Unitarian Universalist Hope for Prisoners Task Force will host a community-wide event entitled “A Comprehensive Look at Criminal Justice in Monroe County”. This is an opportunity to learn why reform is needed, what is already being done, and how we can act as caring and voting citizens in Monroe County. Panelists will include Monroe County Commissioners, Monroe County Prosecutor, Chair of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, and a member of the UU Hope for Prisoners Task Force. The event will be moderated by CJAM with time for questions and a reception with opportunities to learn about non-profits working with prisoners and their families. See for more details.
Saturday December 7, 2019 11:00am-12:00pm
Isabel Piedmont Smith Constituent Meeting
Bloomington City Hall, Room #135
The meeting will feature a discussion of issues coming before the City Council. All city residents are welcome to attend Council Member Piedmont-Smith's meetings
Note: There will be no Constituent Meeting in November
Sunday December 8, 2019 6:00pm-8:00pm
West Side Democratic Collaborative Holiday Social
O'Charley's, 360 N. Jacob Drive
The West Side Democratic Collaborative cordially invites you to a Holiday Social Gathering. This newly formed group is working to build the base in our four western townships, Richland, Van Buren, Indian Creek, and Bean Blossom. Come celebrate the season at this no-host event. Join us for a fun evening and a chance to live our Democratic values – we will be collecting non-perishable food items and/or cash for Grace Center and Pantry 279, food pantries serving the west side at a time of great need. No matter which side of the highway you live on please come for good conversation with both new and old friends.
1. Please run for the DWC Steering Committee and/or sign up to help the DWC communications team with its task of keeping us all in the know. This organization only works when we all step up and help. Besides, it's a fun group!!
Todd Young:
(202) 224-5623
Mike Braun
(202) 224-4814
(317) 822-8240
Trey Hollingsworth
(202) 225-5315 (U.S. House) or (812) 288-3999 (Jeffersonville Office)
BECOME A DWC MEMBER or RENEW your membership!
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership.
Join online here:
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus