October is in full swing now and there's less than one month until election day. While our local election is smaller than normal this year with only two Council districts on the ballot, please remember that we have one DWC-endorsed candidate running with an opponent in one of those districts--Sue Sgambelluri in District 2. Please help Sue's push to win in this crucial period by visiting www.SueForCityCouncil.com or Sue Sgambelluri for City Council on Facebook to share your ideas, find out how to get involved, or to make a contribution.
Image of the Day
Action Items
Jillian Kinzie is heading up an ENDORSEMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE with the intent of having a finished document ready for review by the membership so that we can have a finalized process ready prior to the start of the 2020 Election season. If you are interested in contributing to this process please email us at [email protected].
**DWC Steering Committee Membership:
Nominations for the DWC Steering Committee are now open:
December is fast approaching as are elections to the DWC Steering Committee.
The following positions will be up for election:
Vice Chair:
and 5 at-large positions.
The Steering Committee is a working board… we meet on the third Saturday of the month at 10am. If you have questions about serving on the Steering Committee, about duties of the officers and at-large members, would like to nominate yourself or someone else for the Steering Committee, or you are a member who would like to serve on the Nominating Committee to help develop a slate for the December elections, please contact Carolyn VandeWiele at [email protected].
**Are you creative, skilled at writing, a social media expert?? - THE DWC NEEDS YOU!!
We are looking for a few good women to join our Monday Morning News and Social Media Team to help keep our membership informed - if you can help - contact us at [email protected].
Your thoughts are always welcome: We welcome your thoughts on DWC events and issues….Please share your thoughts on this organization as we move forward, in our community and our state. For those brilliant ideas that come in the middle of the night! Email [email protected]
Voting Information for the 2019 Municipal Election:
Only registered voters in City Council Districts 2 and 3 will have an election in 2019:
Absentee Voting by Traveling Board:
October 17 is first day for a voter who is confined at a private residence because of disability or illness or who is caring for such an individual may vote before the absentee traveling election board. Monday Nov. 4 at midnight is the deadline for the traveling absentee voter board to visit and vote a voter who is confined because of illness or injury. Call Election Central to set up a visit from the Absentee Traveling Board.
Absentee Voting by Mail:
Oct. 28 by 11:59pm is the last day for the County Election Division to receive a mailed, faxed, emailed absentee ballot application with some exceptions for overseas and active duty military voters. It is recommended that you don’t wait until the deadline to send in your application.
Absentee in Person aka Early Voting:
Absentee in Person voting begins in Monroe County on Monday Oct. 21
Mon. Oct 21 - Fri Oct. 25 8am to 6pm
Sat. Oct. 26 9am - 4pm
Mon. Oct 28 - Fri Nov. 1 8am to 6pm
Sat. Oct. 26 9am - 4pm
Mon. Nov. 4 8am - Noon
All in-person absentee voting will be at Election Central, 401 W. 7th St., Suite 100
Monday Nov. 4 at noon is the deadline for a voter to vote and absentee ballot-in-person.
Election Day Voting will be at the poll based on the voter’s registration address
Poll site information is available at indianavoters.com. Election Day voting is on Nov. 5 from 6:00am to 6:00pm
Note: All full-service license branches will remain open from 8:30am until 8pm on Nov. 4 solely for the purpose of issuing driver’s licenses and state identification cards to be used as id on election day.
2020 Presidential Election Information:
Volunteer for Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris's campaign is in Indiana and looking for volunteers in Monroe County to help put the Senator on the ballot! Those interested please contact [email protected].
Ongoing Tabling at the Farmers Market Saturday mornings
Please contact Kaisa at [email protected] to sign up for a shift (or two) or if you have any questions.
BOARD AND COMMISSION OPENINGS: A great way to get involved and learn about how government works in Monroe County and Bloomington and to make a difference in your community:
The office of the City Clerk announces a vacant position on the Bloomington Commission on Sustainability. This position is available for city residents 18 years of age or older. The BCOS promotes economic development, environmental health, and social equity in the community for present and future generations. The commission gathers and disseminates information, promotes practical initiatives, and measures, monitors, and reports on the community’s progress towards sustainability.
For information on this position, or other commissions that have vacancies at this time, contact the office of the City Clerk or check https://bloomington.in.gov/boards to see the nature of the board or commission, recent minutes and actions, and how that particular vacancy is filled.
The Monroe County Board of Commissioners invites you to apply to serve on a Board or Commission! There are immediate openings on a number of these bodies, including: Animal Management, Environmental Commission, and the Human Rights Commission. For information on each of them, see https://www.co.monroe.in.us/boards/. The application is available here: https://www.co.monroe.in.us/egov/documents/1533065264_74301.pdf. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Thomas ([email protected]).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019, 11:30am to 1:00pm
Monroe County Democrats’ Club Luncheon Meeting
DeAngelo’s Restaurant in Eastland Plaza
Mayor John Hamilton will speak about the upcoming election and other topics. Please bring lots of questions about anything that concerns you and your neighborhood. The public is invited to attend.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019, 7:00pm
Presentation of the City of Bloomington's 2018 Greenhouse Gas Inventory
City Hall, City Council Chambers
You're invited! The City of Bloomington's Economic and Sustainable Development Department will present the City's 2018 Greenhouse Gas Inventory on October 15th, 2019 at 7 PM in City Council Chambers. Join us to learn about the various sectors and activities in our community that are contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
Saturday, October 19, 2019, 2:00pm-4:00pm
The Power of the Black Vote
Bloomington City Hall Council Chambers, 401 N. Morton St.
Hosted by the Monroe County Black Democratic Caucus.
Facebook event here.
Panelists Include: Eddie Melton, Indiana State Senator; Jada Bee, Core Council of Bloomington Black Lives Matter; Rafi Hasan, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator of Monroe County Community School Corporation; Dr. Stephanie Power-Carter, Adjunct Faculty of African-American & African Diaspora Studies
Saturday, October 19, 2019, 6:00 pm
Truth Matters Showing of The Brainwashing of My Dad
Buskirk-Chumley Theater, 114 E. Kirkwood Ave. Tickets $5.00 in advance; $7.00 day of event
Concerned about “fake” news in the media? Join us for Truth Matters at the Buskirk Chumley Theater on Saturday, October 19. It begins with the groundbreaking documentary by filmmaker Jen Senko that examines the rise of right-wing media through the lens of her radicalized father. Q&A follows with panelists, filmmaker Jen Senko (via Skype), IU Media School journalism professor Jason Peifer and IU School of Informatics and Computer Science professor Filippo Menczer. Dr. Menczer studies the spread of disinformation across social media and is the director of the new IU Observatory on Social Media. Moderator Alex Semchuck teaches communication at Ivy Tech Community College. Handouts will be available to help “get to the truth” in today’s media.
Truth Matters is cosponsored by Reverse Citizens United, Monroe County Branch of the NAACP, Bloomington Peace Action Coalition, Citizens for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel, Time to Choose Coalition, Democracy for Monroe County, Limestone Post Magazine, UU Racial Justice Task Force, Libertarian Party of Monroe County, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Bloomington Friends Meeting, City of Bloomington Commission on Hispanic and Latino Affairs, Southern Indiana Regional Labor Council-White River Chapter, and Common Cause Indiana. Arrangements by The RYDER Film Series.
Sunday, October 20, 2019, 3:00pm-5:00 pm
Monroe County NOW Chapter Meeting
Switchyard Brewing Company, 419 N. Walnut St., Bloomington
This month's meeting includes a service project to benefit the Shalom Community Center, collecting feminine hygiene products and packaging them for use by Shalom patrons. Please bring donations to the meeting and we will package them while socializing. Products needed include: tampons, feminine wipes, panty liners, and underwear. Plus committee reports and learn how you can join and volunteer. If you cannot attend, but still want to donate supplies, please email us at [email protected]. Our meeting is open to all and is kid friendly and accessible.
Sunday, October 27, 2019, 2:00pm-3:00pm
SD-SDI Membership Meeting and Panel Discussion
Unity Center in Spencer, IN
A panel discussion with three Hoosier LGBTQI+ candidates who recently ran or are running in places not typically seen as "queer" friendly districts. The panelists are: Nick Dunlap, Richmond City Council At-large 2019, Joe Lannan, IN House District 63 2018, and Janet Rummel, Owen County Council District 1 2018
Tuesday, October 29, 2019, 5:00pm-8:00pm
Dine Out At Culvers: Fundraiser for Pantry 279
Culvers Restaurant, 1918 W. 3rd St., Bloomington
Culver's will donate a percentage of all sales between 5pm and 8pm on Tuesday, October 29. With Thanksgiving boxes coming up, Pantry 279 needs to raise $9000 to cover current obligations. Let’s pack the house - no flyers are needed.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 9:00am-2:00pm
Red For Ed Action Day
Indiana State House, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis
Hosted by Indiana State Teachers Association, The Indiana Student Education Association, IREP (Indiana Rising Education Professionals and Invest in Education IN.
For one day only, legislators are back in session to organize for the upcoming General Assembly. Kids, educators and public schools need to be the top priority. Let's remind lawmakers that we are still here, activated and ready to advocate for our kids, our schools and our future. To learn more about Red For Ed in Indiana, visit InvestInEducationIN.org. Event information at: https://www.facebook.com/events/512299189339936
1. Check in with Sue Sgambelluri’s campaign to share your thoughts about the City Council, make a donation to her campaign and find out how you can help her win on Nov. 5.
2. From Liz Feitl - how you can support the UAW Local 440 union members on strike:
The workers received their last check from GM on Friday, September 20. Each striker will receive $250 strike pay and will be working 8 hours each week picket duty in four hour shifts. They don't have huge refrigeration capabilities so non perishables are best. The union did receive a 7 1/2 cubic freezer to hold ice.
Here's a list of items they can use:
A) canned goods (beans-all types, peas, corn, potatoes, tomatoes or other canned goods--including fruits-- or anything else canned)
B) rice, stuffing mixes, other non perishable sides
C) cereals
D) gift cards (grocery store...Kroger, since it's union is preferred, gas station, credit card company gift cards)
E) diapers and baby wipes
F) toiletries (soap, shampoo, hair conditioner, toothpaste...any personal hygiene products)
The union address is:
UAW Local 440, 1411 H Street, Bedford IN 47421
There are 8 strike stations with tents set up at each location. There's a map at the union hall. The GM plant address to support the picketers on strike is 105 GM Drive, Bedford, IN 47421-1558
Todd Young:
(202) 224-5623
Mike Braun
(202) 224-4814
(317) 822-8240
Trey Hollingsworth
(202) 225-5315 (U.S. House) or (812) 288-3999 (Jeffersonville Office)
BECOME A DWC MEMBER or RENEW your membership!
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership.
Join online here: https://democraticwomenscaucus.nationbuilder.com/membership
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus