
It's time for candidate endorsements.

Endorsement Process

February: The Endorsement Committee meets, and will contact all eligible candidates to invite them to apply, and to inform them of the application due date and interview date(s).

At a second meeting in February, the Endorsement Committee will interview the applicants in person or by phone. Following the interviews, the Endorsement Committee shall determine which candidates are recommended for endorsement by a simple majority vote. More than one candidate for a seat may be recommended for endorsement.

March DWC Breakfast Meeting: DWC members will receive a ballot, listing all candidates who applied for endorsement and indicating which candidates are recommended for endorsement by the Endorsement Committee.  DWC members who paid during or before Feb. 6 meeting may vote on those recommended.

One-woman play, Grounded
Commission on Status of Women releases report
Important Dates & Deadlines
Membership Report
Action Item - March on the Statehouse this Thursday


Cardinal Stage Company presents Grounded
Feb. 6-22, Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center Rose Firebay 

Grounded is a critically important new play that weighs in on the effects of American drone policy on military personnel, women in the military, and motherhood and career.

Indiana Commission for Women releases report

The Indiana Commission for Women published its 2014 Women in Elected Offices, based on the November 4th General Elections. The 2015-2016 Indiana General Assembly will have 30 women (20 percent) among its 150 members. According to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, Indiana is ranked 35th in the United States for the proportion of women in its Legislature.


TODAY - NOON deadline for anyone to withdraw their filing for municipal elections.
TONIGHT - 6:30 pm. Candidate Meeting at HQ with VAN Training

February 10, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Community Conversation “What to Expect from the 2015 Legislative Session: What Can We Do To Protect Public Education” at CoLab at 553 E. Miller Drive.

February 13 - 8:15 a.m. NPA Event - Up Close and Personal with the Media, Ivy Tech, Lamkin Hall.  Cost is free.  Increase the visibility of your nonprofit through effective relationships with local media.  Register here.

February 27 - 1-5 p.m.  Nonprofit Board Certificate Seminar at City Hall, Council Chambers.  Details here.

March 25, Women's History Month Luncheon

League of Women Voters Legislative Update – dates change

Second legislative update was held February 7.  Remaining dates are now March 7 and April 4.


Currently there are 116 paid members. Considering that Nation Builder Website has 508 supporters listed and FB has more supporters who have liked us, it would seem that we should have more individuals who are paid members.  We need to encourage our supporters to join.

Support from dues and donations and fundraisers help us fund our endorsed candidates. Elections, unfortunately, are very expensive. Sometimes we forget that yard signs, printed literature, mailings, newspaper ads and/or TV ads or online ads all have significant costs attached to them.

Yes, you can join any time in the year. There may be additional endowments in the fall, and there is always the election of DWPAC officers and steering committee members in December. 

We value you, and appreciate your participation and membership and support of our mission
– THANK YOU  Lu Cregar, Treasurer

We are still taking membership dues for 2015 ($20 for one year’s membership!).  22 members have already joined using our new, easy online method.

NOTE:  Nation Builder database has problems with some email addresses. If you have an Indiana University account, please provide us an alternate email such as gmail, yahoo, hot mail, att or other.


March on the Statehouse

If you are concerned about the amount of time your child will spend on testing and preparing for testing, please join other parents at the Statehouse this Thursday, Feb. 12, at 1 p.m.  Facebook link

Do you have news items?

Send your items of interest to us at [email protected].
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.

Democratic Women's Caucus