“Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom.” —Benjamin Cardozo, Palko v. Connecticut
After a week that saw the Trump Administration escalate its attacks on free speech, labeling journalists as “the enemy of the people,” denouncing FBI whistleblowers, and barring such well-respected news organizations as the New York Times and CNN from a White House press briefing, the topic of this month's Breakfast Meeting could not be more timely. Join us at the Village Deli on Friday, March 3, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. as Jane Henegar, Director of the Indiana Affiliate of the ACLU, shares her perspectives and tells us how we can stay informed on civil liberties issues. From voting rights and free speech to reproductive freedom, LGBT rights, and immigrants' rights, the ACLU has been front and center in advocating for the freedoms that have made America great.
Due to the February meeting's overwhelming turnout by passionate, dedicated Democratic women and their friends, we've had conversations with the Village Deli about the layout and how we can accommodate more attendees, and we have a plan!
OVERCOME? OVERWHELMED?? with information flying around your news feed, what's happening?
From member KATHY LOSER, The Resistance Calendar: https://www.resistancecalendar.org/
This is a dynamic calendar that has listed information about actions, marches, alerts, rallies—all searchable and in different formats to post and share.
Kathy also turned us on to the app: Countable https://www.countable.us/about/us
THIS APP for your phone demystifies what's happening in Congress, summarizes legislative activity, lists how your Senator or Congressman (yes, we did use MAN) voted on issues, and allows you to give them instant feedback on how they voted with a click of 'yea' or 'nay' and more.
Action Item
Get More Involved in the DWC!!
The DWC Steering Committee is the group that organizes and manages the business of the DWC. We do much of our work through smaller groups or committees, and we welcome help from the membership to bring fresh ideas and hands to the work of running our operation.
• Program Committee - Planning meetings and programs, outreach to build membership; inform current members; education; notification
• Fundraising and Events - track goals, inspire attendees to donate; analyze and expand efforts; plan social events (movie nights, etc.)
• Communications (Monday Morning News, website, Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc) - outreach to build membership; inform current members;
education; notification
• Training - prepare candidates as well as workers to help candidates and causes
• Membership - outreach, goals, retention, renewals
To get involved, go to the DWC website at http://www.democraticwomenscaucus.org/volunteer or email [email protected] and let us know what goals you want to work towards. If you have special skills, please note that as well. We'd love to have you working with us!!
And don't forget to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter!
City of Bloomington Citizen's Academy Class for 2017
Vickie Provine at the City's HAND department is taking applications for this year's program. We've lost track of how many program graduates have gone on to run for office, apply for boards and commissions, or are otherwise engaged in their community, but this class is a great way to learn something about local government that you do not know. The program is open to the first 30 to sign up, and that roster is filling up quickly! Sign up HERE.
Monroe County Boards and Commissions
Monroe County Government has several opportunities for public service! Visit our page to see what boards and commissions have vacancies.
Save the Date
Saturday, April 29, in the evening, Monroe County History Center
Murder Mystery fundraiser for the DWC
Sponsorship opportunities available... email [email protected] if you're interested.
More details as the mystery unfolds...
Friends Committee on National Legislation Advocacy Workshop
TONIGHT Monday, February 27 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.
First United Church, 2420 E. Third Street
Time and time again our elected officials struggle to solve the problems that matter most. Instead, money, corporations and apathy continue to feed government gridlock. What can we do to restore our democracy? When the Congressional Management Foundation surveyed hundreds of Congressional staff members, they found that in-person meetings with your members of Congress are the most effective way to influence policy decisions. Change in Congress starts with you. Please join Malya Zwerling, FCNL’s National Field organizer for a workshop that allows you to be a part of a national network while fostering a focused, strategic local grassroots team, learn and sharpen effective advocacy tools, and join the 2017 campaign focused on reducing Pentagon spending! Please RSVP for this event to [email protected]
The Friends Committee on National Legislation is a Quaker lobby that seeks to promote just, peaceful and equitable policies for the U.S. Government. FCNL’s influence in Washington stems from the integrity and truthfulness of our arguments and the strength of our grassroots network. Learn more at fcnl.org/advocacyteams
MCDP After Hours
TONIGHT Monday, February 27, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
The Tap, 101 N. College Ave
This event is an informal opportunity to grab a bite, a beer, and some good conversation with fellow Democrats. This week, you can speak to and hear from candidates running for officers of the local Democratic Party. We look forward to seeing you!
Indivisible Bloomington/9th District Meeting
TONIGHT Monday, February 27, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Monroe County Public Library, Room 1B & 1C
Indivisible energizes and informs Americans about government’s potential and enlists them to imagine and create the government we need for all to have a safe, healthy, just, and prosperous future. This meeting is for all of us to get to know one another, and to talk about our strategy and tactics going forward. We would also like to identify people willing to perform leadership roles.
WEDNESDAY, March 1, 6-7:30 p.m. UU Church on the bypass.
State Representative Matt Pierce will share his thoughts on how to be useful and productive in this effort.
This event is sponsored by the UU Just Peace Task Force.
Friday, March 3, 6 p.m. at Truffles at Jackson Creek Shopping Center
Chat about what's on your mind, meet up with like minded women in a relaxed atmosphere, PERSIST!
Truffles has allocated a back room for us, so it's easy to bring a friend, order some light dinner or snacks if you like.
Let's keep talking and persisting! Learning from each other and sharing action items! View the event here and bring a friend! https://www.facebook.com/events/1853207948289600/?ti=icl
Elections for Monroe County Democratic Party Offices
March 4, 10:00 a.m., Monroe County Courthouse
The filing period for the March 4 Party reorganization meeting has now closed and we have one candidate filed for each position. The candidates are:
- Chair – Mark Fraley
- Vice Chair – Jessica McClellan
- Secretary – Tom Miller
- Treasurer – Kaisa Goodman
There will be a post-caucus reception for outgoing and incoming Party officers at Malibu Grill, starting around noon or after the meeting finishes.
Day of Action with Monroe County NOW
March 4, 12:00 - 4:00 p.m., First United Church, Bloomington
Join NOW for this drop-in style meetup: network, mingle, and gather to take action together with other like-minded feminists in our community! Stations for actions will include:
• Letter writing to newspapers and legislators
• Brainstorming about specific concerns and actions
• “Kid Zone” with stories & coloring pages about strong women and equality
• Plus much more!
In addition, NOW will be collecting donations for the Community Kitchen’s Backpack Buddies program which is in dire need of items for the Spring Break backpacks. For a list of items needed, please see the event announcement here.
Monroe County Democratic Party - Annual FDR Gala
Thursday, April 6, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Fountain Square Ballroom
Save the date for the Monroe County Democratic Party's annual FDR Gala! This event is a great way to meet fellow Democrats and learn about the party organization. The fundraiser is an opportunity to support the party organization, as it works on behalf of candidates and office holders, and in the pursuit of advancing Democratic ideals and good governance at all levels.
Admission to this evening of food, beverage, and good company is by suggested donation, but no one will be turned away if unable to contribute. RSVP here, or by e-mail to [email protected] today.
March for Science Indianapolis
Saturday, April 22, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Indiana State House
We are marching in support of publicly funded and publicly communicated Science as a pillar of Hoosier freedom and prosperity. We think it is critical that policymakers support and incorporate scientific research into their decision making. We are calling on policymakers to support Science that upholds the common good, and for political leaders and policymakers to enact evidence-based policies in the public interest.
This is a nonpartisan march to highlight the mischaracterization of science as a partisan issue, which has given policymakers permission to reject overwhelming evidence and enact policies against the public interest. If you're a concerned Hoosiers—a scientist, engineer, programmer, entrepreneur, teacher, student, lawyer, doctor—anyone who is passionate about Science, click here.
Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes/A Day Without Immigrants
May 1, 5:00 a.m. - May 2, 12:00 a.m.
Indiana State House
We will not buy. We will not go to school. We will not work. We will fight for permanent protection, dignity, and respect for all immigrants in this country. We will join together in solidarity and to show support to those targeted by the Trump administration. We will share stories of those affected and tell our government that Hoosiers won't allow more families to be ripped apart! Sign up here to stay up to date on what other states are doing and keep track of the numbers attending the event nationwide!
From MoveOn.org...
Sign the Petition
On February 9, Representative Jerrold Nadler (NY-10), senior Member of the House Judiciary Committee, introduced a Resolution of Inquiry in the House that could force a House investigation into Donald Trump’s financial conflicts of interest and ties to the Russian government. If Rep. Nadler is successful, the Department of Justice will have "to provide Congress with the basic information required to conduct an inquiry into President Trump and his associates' conflicts of interest, ethical violations—including the Emoluments Clause—and connections to the Russian government." The DOJ will also have to provide information related to "any criminal or counterintelligence investigation targeting President Donald J. Trump, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Roger Stone, or any employee of the Executive Office of the President."
The resolution, H. Res 111, comes up for a vote in the House Judiciary Committee on TUESDAY, February 28. The committee has 14 legislative days to respond to Rep. Nadler's request, or it will automatically go to the full House for vote, forcing Republicans to go on record and choose between enabling Trump’s ethical and national security breaches or honoring the oath they took to act in our nation's best interest and uphold our Constitution.
To sign MoveOn’s petition urging the House Judiciary Committee to vote in favor of a House investigation into Donald Trump’s financial conflicts of interest and ties to the Russian government, click here.
Join the DWC in 2017. It's important to stay organized and energized! Renew your membership today.
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership. Join online here: https://democraticwomenscaucus.nationbuilder.com/membership