Monday Morning News -- February 5, 2020 - Upcoming Events
Breakfast this Friday! 7:30 am, Village Deli, bring a pen! Bring some tampons!
We're lucky to have good friends who are very knowledgeable on what the Indiana Legislature is doing on Education related bills. Jenny Robinson and Debbie Fish from the Indiana Coalition for Public Education will update us on education related bills and their status. They'll also help us focus on an action of writing postcards to legislators (and the Governor), thus the need for a pen. The DWC will provide postage unless you have a few postcard stamps that need to be used up! Please join us!!
Also, When you shop this week at CVS, Kroger, or wherever, please pick up a package of feminine hygiene products. Our state legislature refuses to pass a bill that would remove sales tax from these items, even though they still allow your private plane purchase, or gold bullion purchase to be listed as a tax-free item. There's a certain unfairness in taxing essential hygiene items and not taxing non-essentials. Your donations will be taken to organizations that service women in need.
**If anyone wants to volunteer to take these items after breakfast, please let us know by emailing Chair Carolyn VandeWiele at [email protected]
NOON DEADLINE to file for office and for State Convention Delegate. See notes below on filing for details. It's easy, it's fun, it's a chance to nominate a candidate at the convention!
Then Join your friends at the Roaring Into the 20s: A Democratic Women's Caucus Murder Mystery Fundraiser at The Fields Clubhouse, 1333 S. Fenbrook Ln. It'll be FUN way to support women in their run for office, support training, and helping women with their campaign expenses. It starts at 6:30, we'll have heavy appetizers, surprises, a silent auction of really cool items. More info below. If you might be able to take advantage of a last minute cancellation, please contact Regina Moore at [email protected], or Olivia Reed at [email protected]
Finally, if you like pie, and you like Penny (Githens) don't miss the redux of Pies for Penny on Sunday, Feb 9th from 2-4 pm at HQ (116 S. Madison). Pies, great Sober Joe Coffee, great people.
BECOME A DWC MEMBER or RENEW your membership!
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership.
Join online here:
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus
Monday Morning News -- February 3, 2020
Deadline Extended!!! It’s not too late to join the fun this Friday evening - purchase your ticket to the Roaring Twenties Murder Mystery Night… have fun and raise money for a good cause - let’s elect women in 2020!!
It's going to be a busy week!!
Breakfast this Friday! 7:30 am, Village Deli, bring a pen! Bring some tampons!
We're lucky to have good friends who are very knowledgeable on what the Indiana Legislature is doing on Education related bills. Jenny Robinson and Debbie Fish from the Indiana Coalition for Public Education will update us on education related bills and their status. They'll also help us focus on an action of writing postcards to legislators (and the Governor), thus the need for a pen. The DWC will provide postage unless you have a few postcard stamps that need to be used up! Please join us!!
Also, When you shop this week at CVS, Kroger, or wherever, please pick up a package of feminine hygiene products. Our state legislature refuses to pass a bill that would remove sales tax from these items, even though they still allow your private plane purchase, or gold bullion purchase to be listed as a tax-free item. There's a certain unfairness in taxing essential hygiene items and not taxing non-essentials. Your donations will be taken to organizations that service women in need.
**If anyone wants to volunteer to take these items after breakfast, please let us know by emailing Chair Carolyn VandeWiele at [email protected].
NOON DEADLINE to file for office and for State Convention Delegate. See notes below on filing for details. It's easy, it's fun, it's a chance to nominate a candidate at the convention!
Then Join your friends at the Roaring Into the 20s: A Democratic Women's Caucus Murder Mystery Fundraiser at The Fields Clubhouse, 1333 S. Fenbrook Ln. It'll be FUN way to support women in their run for office, support training, and helping women with their campaign expenses. It starts at 6:30, we'll have heavy appetizers, surprises, a silent auction of really cool items. More info below. If you might be able to take advantage of a last minute cancellation, please contact Regina Moore at [email protected], or Olivia Reed at [email protected]
Finally, if you like pie, and you like Penny (Githens) don't miss the redux of Pies for Penny on Sunday, Feb 9th from 2-4 pm at HQ (116 S. Madison). Pies, great Sober Joe Coffee, great people.
Image Of The Day
Action Items
Monday Morning News -- January 27, 2020
SAVE THE DATE: On Friday, February 7 the DWC is hosting two events.
At 7:30am we’ll host our monthly breakfast at the Village Deli: Jenny Robinson and Debbie Fish from the Indiana Coalition for Public Education will update us on Education related bills. Plus we’ll have a day of action that morning with postcards to legislators and the Governor's Office. And since the state legislature won’t pass a bill removing sales tax from sanitary products, we’ll collect them for organizations with women in need. We’ll have full details in next week’s newsletter.
Then from 6:30 - 9:30pm join us for Roaring Into the 20s: A Democratic Women's Caucus Murder Mystery Fundraiser at The Fields Clubhouse, 1333 S. Fenbrook Ln.Join us for an evening of food, drink, fun and mystery! See below for all the details and to purchase your ticket!Then from 6:30 - 9:30pm join us for Roaring Into the 20s: A Democratic Women's Caucus Murder Mystery Fundraiser at The Fields Clubhouse, 1333 S. Fenbrook Ln.Join us for an evening of food, drink, fun and mystery! See below for all the details and to purchase your ticket!
What may be the most consequential election of our lifetime is 10 months away, the Indiana Legislature is in session, and the Republican supermajority is busily trying to figure out how to keep those pesky voters away from the polls. To that end, they've proposed SB334, which deals with "cleaning up" voter rolls. The information that follows comes from an alert issued by the League of Women Voters of Indiana.
Highlights of the bill include:
*The county elections/voter registration office can send a letter to the address they have on file for any voter if they suspect the voter does not live at that address. If the card is not returned/mailed back to the voter registration office by a given deadline, the voter can be removed from the voting rolls.
*If a county-issued mailing about voting district boundaries or polling places comes back as undelivered/undeliverable, a voter can be removed from the voting rolls.
*The creation of the Indiana Data Enhancement Association. IDEA will allow Indiana to form partnerships with other states in order to share voter registration information and citizens’ voting histories. This information will be used by each state to determine whom to remove from the voter rolls. A point system will be used.
*Voter registration offices in Indiana, in certain circumstances, can remove a citizen’s name from the voter rolls without informing them they have been removed or checking on their eligibility to vote.
Here's a link to the bill itself:
Please contact your state senator and urge him or her to vote "nay" on this pernicious attempt to disenfranchise our citizens. See action items below.
Action Items
Monday Morning News -- January 13, 2020
We are now two weeks into the new year and looking forward to the excitement of another round of elections. Remember, campaigns and primaries will soon be upon us. Those few months from now until the first week of May go by incredibly fast. And who we elect this year is crucial, both nationally and closer to home. Globally, in just the past week, we were brought near the brink of war and have had to watch Australia burning up as the planet warms, while locally we are watching families try to make it on epically low wages with little between them and homelessness. Yes, we have world class challenges galore to work on right in our own back yard. So sign up to help someone's campaign, run for state delegate yourself, or just sign up to help with DWC communications. Pick the best way for your talents and skills to shine and help change our world. It's time to step up.
Action Items
Monday Morning News -- January 6, 2020
Breakfast recap ~
Breakfast attendees numbered over 70!
A fully packed room heard the details of the Indiana Democratic State Convention (June 13th in Indy) and the Democratic National Convention (July 13-16th in Milwaukee). State Democratic Party staff members Lauren Ganapini, Executive Director, and Adi Ben Yehoshua, Data Director, gave us information on how to file for each of these delegate opportunities.
To be a delegate to the State convention, one needs to be elected by Democrats in the May Primary. Here in Monroe County delegates are apportioned by county council district. Filing starts on January 8th and ends at noon on February 7th. Political deadlines are at NOON local time -- something to remember!!
In Monroe County filing is at Election Central offices at 7th and Madison. They have the forms, and can notarize and accept your filing within just a few minutes.
The preponderance of National Delegates are elected by the State Delegates at the state convention in June. For details on the National Delegate Selection Plan see the IDP website at: It's a treasure trove of complete information about filing for Delegate, and all the particulars about being a delegate.
More about both of these opportunities in upcoming newsletters!
The most important thing to remember for DWC members this week is that on Sunday, January 12th, at 3 pm at the Monroe County Party HQ, 116 S. Madison. The DWC is partnering with 25 Women for 2020 for a brainstorming session on finding women to run for the southern house districts of 46 (Bob Heaton), 60 (Peggy Mayfield), and 62 (Jeff Ellington) to start. We are inviting women who might be interested in running to find out what resources and help might be available to them, encourage them to consider this run, and to encourage other attendees to help them with their unique talents of fundraising, organizing, voter contact, media, graphic design, website design, and other campaign needs.
Please consider coming! If you can respond to the event on Facebook, please do. If you are not a Facebook participant, you can send an email to [email protected] and let us know you are coming.
We are hoping to provide some refreshments for the group, so if you have a yen for baking some cookies, providing some veggies, or some beverages, please let Regina Moore know at [email protected] as soon as you can! You will be thanked most kindly for your help in this recruitment effort.
2020 will bring us a critical year in politics and also a year long celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment which granted the right to vote to many American women. We know that not all women got the right to vote in 1920, in fact we’re still working on that, but it was a critical step in the fight for women’s suffrage. Let us know if you hear of any 2020 festivities such as exhibits at the Indiana Historical Society and the Monroe County History Center Look for an exciting one-woman suffrage show, "Digging In Their Heels,” coming to Cardinal Stage here in Bloomington in February.
Have a safe an happy New Year. Let's come out fighting in 2020!
Action Items
Monday Morning News - January 2, 2020 - Breakfast Heads Up
Join us the Village Deli tomorrow morning at 7:30am for the first DWC breakfast of 2020. Our guests will be Lauren Ganapini, Executive Director, and Adi Ben Yehoshua, Data Director, of the Indiana Democratic Party, who will talk us through the process of becoming a delegate to the state and national conventions.
Next Wednesday, January 8, is the first day to file for office in Indiana. We’ll also review the offices up for election this year… from President to convention delegate (and yes, for the first time in years there will be an afternoon floor vote at the State Democratic Convention).
And we'll update you on the efforts to recruit women to run for the Indiana State House in Districts 46, 60, 62. In 2018 Thomasina Marsili ran in 46, Penny Githens in 60 and Amy Swain in 62. This year Thomasina is running for U.S. Rep, District 8, and Penny is serving (and will run again) for Monroe County Commissioner. There will be a meeting at MCDP Headquarters on January 12. If you, or someone you know, is interested stay tuned for more details.
See you tomorrow!!
IT'S TIME TO RENEW your membership!!! or join us for the first time
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership.
Only $20 for one year’s membership.
Join online here:
Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.
Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus
Monday Morning News - December 31, 2019 - Happy New Year!
We wish all our members and allies a very happy end to 2019 and a good start to the upcoming year. We hope to see you at the Swearing In Ceremony at City Hall on New Year's Day at noon. After the inauguration ceremony, stay to honor former Mayor Tomilea Allison at the dedication of the new “Allison Conference Room”, Room 225, in City Hall, a well deserved recognition of Mayor Allison’s outstanding leadership of our city. More information can be found here.
We also hope to see you at the first DWC breakfast of 2020 on Friday at 7:30am at the Village Deli.
The first day to file for office in Indiana is Wednesday, January 8. At our breakfast this month we’ll go over the offices up for election this year… from President to convention delegate (and yes, for the first time in years there will be an afternoon floor vote at the State Democratic Convention)… as well as going over the steps required to become a national delegate.
And we'll let you know about efforts to recruit women to run for the Indiana State House in Districts 46, 60, 62. In 2018 Thomasina Marsili ran in 46, Penny Githens in 60 and Amy Swain in 62. This year Thomasina is running for U.S. Rep, District 8, and Penny is serving (and will run again) for Monroe County Commissioner. There will be a meeting at MCDP Headquarters on January 12. If you, or someone you know, is interested stay tuned for more details.
2020 will bring us a critical year in politics and also a year long celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment which granted the right to vote to many American women. We know that not all women got the right to vote in 1920, in fact we’re still working on that, but it was a critical step in the fight for women’s suffrage. Look for many special events over the next 12 months including a special float, #24, in tomorrow’s Rose Bowl Parade, exhibits at the Indiana Historical Society and the Monroe County History Center and a one-woman suffrage show, "Digging In Their Heels,” coming to Cardinal Stage here in Bloomington in February.
Have a safe an happy New Year. Let's come out fighting in 2020!
Action Items
Monday Morning News - December 23, 2019
On Saturday we marked the winter solstice, the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. In this season of holidays that celebrate keeping the light of hope burning in the darkness, we nurture our hopes for the renewal of American democracy, for the health of our planet, and for a more just and equitable society. So enjoy those latkes and eggnog--hopefully not in the same sitting!--and let's get ready to roll up our sleeves and elect Democrats up and down the ballot.
Action Items
Monday Morning News - December 16, 2019 - The year is winding down, and the political scene is ramping up...
Once again, things both incredibly significant and incredibly crazy happened in national politics this week. Meanwhile, with the holidays almost upon us, local political activities are on a bit of a break. But things will be heating up in spades next year as they always do in an election year. In 2020, both national and local county offices are up, so get lots of rest over the next few weeks, eat healthy and build up your reserves in preparation for supporting our DWC candidates and others who can use your experience and time to help them win.
Action Items
Monday Morning News - December 9, 2019 - The year is winding down, and the political scene is ramping up...
The year is winding down but the political scene is just starting to heat up… we are only month away from the first day that candidates can file a declaration of candidacy. A number of individuals have already announced their intention to run in the 2020 elections and there will be many more in the coming weeks. From the Presidency on down to Convention Delegates there are important places on the ballot for you or someone you know.
Our thanks to Penny Githens for organizing a very informative program for our December meeting. Erika Oliphant, Angie Purdie, Margie Rice and Penny (standing in for Lee Jones) spoke about the ongoing efforts to reorganize the the criminal justice system in Monroe County.
“Monroe County’s Criminal Justice Review Project, is a year long comprehensive and deep-down evaluation of the current system’s strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings — and how it might change for the better.” Through evaluations by consultants, interviews with stake holders and input from community conversations, the County is looking to improve conditions at our County Correctional Facility by reducing the number of individuals held at the facility, improving the conditions for those who are incarcerated and by strengthening alternatives to incarceration.
The Indiana Constitution mandates reformative rather than punitive justice and there is a great deal of discretion within the justice system to set up programs that keep individuals out of jail, keep them from harm while they are incarcerated, and keep them from coming back once released.
Studies have shown that up to 80% of individuals in the system have diagnosed or undiagnosed mental issues and substance abuse problems. Early childhood education, treatment options, alternatives to cash bail and pre-trial diversion programs that keep people out of jail and get them the treatment they need instead of incarceration as well programs to help reduce recidivism for individuals who are in the system are all being examined. This is not an individual or county problem, it is a community problem and there is something for everyone in the room to help with.
The Project hopes to have a report ready in February and the Diversion Center up and running by early summer… we’ll try to keep you informed.
Action Items